Classifactions by Grouping, Composer, Publisher, etc

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Classifactions by Grouping, Composer, Publisher, etc

Post by Ahamlin29 »


I've been managing my mp3 collection since a wee lass and manage about 60K songs using Media Monkey 4.2. I am super into it and have been meticulousing filling in metadata in a variety of fields to enhance my experience.
I had been backing up/uploading my libary to Google Play, which is now YouTube music. It had been fine, since there is essentially no limit (maybe there is?) but of course there has always been the problem of syncing any updates, plus YTM does not even use Genre as an option.

However, I just learned that there is an Android app for Media Monkey and the ability to access my PC from it which I am stoked about!!! Now I can get my whole library on the go. Well, almost.... When accessing the library on the app, it puts it into folders - Artist & Album Artist, Composer, Album, Genre, Year, Publisher, Rating, and Classification (Tempo, Mood, Occasion, and Quality).

Now, I have a very tight control over Genre; that is the first thing I label when adding new music. Of course, Artists and Album Artists and also complete and non-messy, as well as Album. For the past few years, I have also been using a field called "Grouping" and "Composer". For either one, it is a mix of what goes there - usually, it is the record label. Also, since I get my files from a P2P torrent site, I try to input the name of the distributor to the site in Grouping, since they usually have dinstinct contributions, plus if I want to find similar music to what I am listening to, I can refer to it and look it up. There are also Groupings I use among a lot of hip-hop artists which are in different posse's such a the Native Tongues, LitWit Crew, etc. Sometimes, if an Artist has a lot of aliases or different groups they are in, I'll put thier main name in Grouping or Composer so I can easily see all thier work. I also use Grouping for larger compilations and torrent finds, such as Billboard charts, Grammy Noms, I have one that was called "90s Collection" and another thats (Top 500 Hip-Hip Songs of All Time" - I sometimes start with having the album labels like this, but over time I usually fill what the actual album is.
The reason for this post is that now I am going to be using the app, but as I mentioned, it does not have the option to organize by Grouping. It only uses Composer and Publisher. I haven't even touched Publisher before, but taking a glace, there are lots of tracks filled in, mostly record labels it looks like.

My question is, what should I use for what I have been using Grouping for? How should I use Composer and Publisher? For the longest time, "Composer" has meant Record Label to me, even though I know it isn't ACTUALLY that, but now, "Publisher" sounds more fitting. I know I should probably just start filling in whatever I know whereever I want, but I am kind of a "rule are rules!" person who likes consistency. I'm just looking for input

I know that Playlists are a thing, Ok, but the way I view my library, with columns and column browers, it doesn't fit for me. Of course I do actually have a bunch of smart playlists and things but its just not the same.

BONUS find !! Even though Grouping is not a viewing option of the app, I took a closer look at the "Classification" folder and realized that all of those options - Tempo, Mood, Occasion, etc, - are all FILL-IN.... which means I can using some grouping data there.