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Editing Properties fatally freezes MMA (1071) [#19757]

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:36 pm
by gordol
Build 1071, Samsung S22U, OS 13 / OneUI 5.1, March 1 update patch.

I was editing some track titles in MMA and did the first few, then after that nothing. I'd long-hold on the track in the list, then select Properties from the three-dot menu and it'd just "spin" doing nothing. The "Cancel" command was active so cancel, try again, no change.

Captured a log and sent it, Log ID GN2BPQ67E4.

Then, I completely closed MMA from the task switcher and attempted to re-launch... and it wouldn't. First clue on that failure was it showing the AMOLED Black and Orange themed background and top bar when I currently have it set to plain Black and Blue, with the app logo in the middle and... absolutely nothing else. I had to reboot the phone to get MMA back. And even then, I still get a brief "wrong theme" on app launch from fully closed out.

Re: Editing Properties fatally freezes MMA (1071)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:57 am
by rusty