Is the new auto-tag feature really that horrible...

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Is the new auto-tag feature really that horrible...

Post by phit42 »

...or am I just not getting it, as I have used MMW4 for too long?

For example, I am trying to auto-tag a recent "Bravo Hits", which is a compilation. I have "enable compilations" set (BTW "Auswahlen zulassen" is not the correct german translation, we would be using "compilations" oder "sampler"). The album title tag is correct, the album artist as well with "Various Artists". The album is in musicbrainz.

Nevertheless, auto-tag searches for each song individually in its original artists' album, and if I would rather tag it to its compilation, I have to manually change EACH album entry - and I am not even sure as the compilation album is referenced with "(old value)", so I wouldn't know if it actually found this compilation.

To make matters worse, some tracks are obviously on a large number of compilations, so I have to scroll thru quite a number of results. Any conflict mouse over information also interferes with a fast selection in the drop-down.

When I finally did that, and also hit F5 quite a number of times to group that album back again which also jumps my list back to the beginning, it is completely counterintuitive visually, as to what will be changed where. I mean, it marks changes with an exclamation mark, but if I want to know I have to again mouse-over. It is also not clear at all if it really matched the track, or proposes changes to multiple values as it found e.g. only the artist.

It seems to conflict on some track numbers, and only adds disc numbers to random tracks.

Finally, I cannot even sort the track listing to my liking in order to at least get a rough understanding.

Efficient UI is different.
MMW (usually frequently updated so might be newer by now)
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Re: Is the new auto-tag feature really that horrible...

Post by Rob_S »

The album title tag is correct, the album artist as well with "Various Artists". The album is in musicbrainz.
I think this would be worth opening a support ticket, and attach a couple of the tracks.

Surely if the album name is correctly entered and the album exists on Musicbrainz, that should be a no-brainer :D

I can see it proposing alternate albums, but only if your album name is not available, or if fingerprinting disagrees with your existing tag.
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
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