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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:25 pm
by MPG
I am building my last add-on. this add-on will remove all of the album arts, except the first one. It will set embed the first one and set it as the front cover.
When I attempt to save the first cover so that it can be added later, the following saves the image, however, it also adds it to the image list. When I go to remove all of the images, it's not being picked up in the count. Is this the expected behavior? If so, is there a way to refresh the itmRec to pick up?

trackList.forEach(function (itmRec){
itmRec.coverList.locked(function (){
cvr = itmRec.coverList.getValue(0);
cvr.saveToFileFolder(itmRec.path, "fixAlbumArtTemp.jpg", false);

itmRec.coverList.locked(function (){
for(intCnt=0; intCnt<=itmRec.coverList.count; intCnt++){
cvr = itmRec.coverList.getValue(intCnt);


Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:59 pm
by Ludek
Why you are saving the first cover to add it later?
It should be possible just change the cover storage from the file to tag.

Something like this:

Code: Select all

var coverList = track.loadCoverListAsync();
coverList.whenLoaded(()=> {
	coverList.modifyAsync(() => {  
		for(i=coverList-1; i>=0; i--){
			if (i > 0)
				coverList.getValue(0).coverStorage = 0; // move from file to tag if not already
		// track.saveCoverListAsync(); // probably not needed, is part of track.commitAsync(); below
		track.commitAsync(); // commits and writes to tag & DB
Note that I haven't tested the code, just a snippet that should work IMO

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:59 pm
by MPG
Sweet! TY Ludek. I will play with your snippet and let you know the results!

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:06 pm
by drakinite
MPG wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:25 pm I am building my last add-on.
I hope it's not your last add-on ever - It's great having you make addons and helping increase the versatility of how people can use MediaMonkey. :slight_smile:

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:37 am
by MPG
I tried for a couple of hours to get the following code to work, however, I keep having problems. The last section is based off Ludek's suggestion and I end up with one of the following problems:
1) if I leave the whenloaded as suggested, the code never falls into the modifyAsync.
2) if I remove the whenloaded, it works just fine sometimes. Sometimes MM just hangs
3) If one of the covers is a link to a file and the file is deleted from the hard drive (not through the MM interface), MM hangs.

When MM hangs, I've noticed that if I attempt to close MM by clicking the "X" on the image in the taskbar, the track property window shows up. So it's like MM is waiting for a response to the property window, but I can't get focus to it.

Any help you can provide, I'd appreciate it.

Code: Select all

function removeAll() {
	var blnFrontFound = false;
	var intCnt = 0;
	var cvr;
	var cvrList;

	trackList.forEach(function (track){
		track.coverList.locked(function () {

			//find first cover identified as the front (if any)
			for(intCnt=0; intCnt < track.coverList.count; intCnt++){
				cvr = track.coverList.getValue(intCnt);
				if( cvr.coverTypeDesc.toLowerCase() == "cover (front)"){
					blnFrontFound = true;
					intCnt = track.coverList.count + 1;
			//if any cover is embedded, make it the front
			if (blnFrontFound == false){
				for(intCnt=0; intCnt < track.coverList.count; intCnt++){
					if(track.coverList.getValue(intCnt).coverStorage = 0){
						cvr = track.coverList.getValue(intCnt);						
						cvr.coverTypeDesc = "Cover (front)";
						blnFrontFound = true;
						intCnt = track.coverList.count + 1;

			//if none found, make first image the front
			if (blnFrontFound == false){
				cvr = track.coverList.getValue(0);
				cvr.coverTypeDesc = "Cover (front)";

			cvrList = track.loadCoverListAsync();
//			cvrList.whenLoaded(() => {
				cvrList.modifyAsync(() => {
					for(intCnt = cvrList.count-1; intCnt >= 0; intCnt--){
						cvr = cvrList.getValue(intCnt);
						//delete all covers except for front cover
						if( cvr.coverTypeDesc.toLowerCase() == "cover (front)"){
							//embed cover if not already
							if (cvrList.getValue(intCnt).coverStorage != 0){
								cvrList.getValue(intCnt).coverStorage = 0;
						} else{
//			});

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:38 am
by Ludek
Isn't the problem that you are using track.loadConverListAsync inside of
track.coverList.locked(function () {

I suppose that mainly using list.modifyAsync() inside of list.locked() should result in "Write lock after read lock" assertion?
Are you using debug build?

I think you should load the coverList at first and do everything in the "write lock"
i.e. something like this:

Code: Select all

trackList.forEach(function (track){
	var cvrList = track.loadCoverListAsync();
	cvrList.whenLoaded(() => {	
		cvrList.modifyAsync(() => {
			// and do everything here in the write lock:
			//find first cover identified as the front (if any)
			for(intCnt=0; intCnt < track.coverList.count; intCnt++){
				cvr = track.coverList.getValue(intCnt);
				if( cvr.coverTypeDesc.toLowerCase() == "cover (front)"){
					blnFrontFound = true;

And btw I think that track.saveCoverListAsync; shouldn't be needed once track.commitAsync(); is called.
If just track.commitAsync(); won't work then try rather :

Code: Select all

track.saveCoverListAsync().then( track.commitAsync);

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:13 pm
by MPG
Thanks Ludek.
I tried:

Code: Select all

function removeAll() {
	var blnFrontFound = false;
	var intCnt = 0;
	var cvr;
	var cvrList;

	trackList.forEach(function (track){
		cvrList = track.loadCoverListAsync();	
		cvrList.whenLoaded(() => {
			track.coverList.locked(function () {
alert("h") is never executed.

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:59 pm
by Ludek
Damn, my bad.

Try this:

Code: Select all

cvrList.whenLoaded().then(() => {
Sorry for the typo

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:49 pm
by MPG
Back to the drawing board. It generates an error:
cvrList.whenLoaded.then is not a function.

Re: saveToFileFolder

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:52 pm
by drakinite
Use cvrList.whenLoaded().then(callback)

The whenLoaded() returns a Promise.*

*(it's not technically a native JavaScript promise, but you can treat it like one.)