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Re: Backup 5.1 [MM2+3]

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:57 pm
by codyma2c
I'm new to these forums. I can't seem to easily find the download link for the scripts on these forum there something I'm missing? I usually start from the last page of the thread and start clicking back pages to find the latest updated version, but that's really a pain in the ass. Anyone have any helpful tips on this (what seems like it should be simple) process?

Re: Backup 5.1 [MM2+3]

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:07 pm
by nynaevelan
codyma2c wrote:I'm new to these forums. I can't seem to easily find the download link for the scripts on these forum there something I'm missing? I usually start from the last page of the thread and start clicking back pages to find the latest updated version, but that's really a pain in the ass. Anyone have any helpful tips on this (what seems like it should be simple) process?
Most scripts will have links to download the scripts on the first page in the first post. If you are downloading them in internet explorer and you are downloading version 3.x scripts, sometimes it will change the extension from mmip to zip. Just change it back to mmip and double-click it to install it. Alot of the scripts have versions for 2.x and 3.x, just be sure you are downloading the version for the correct version of MM which you have installed. If you have any questions or concerns, post them in the forum topic of the script in order for the author and others to be able to assist you.


Re: Backup 5.1 [MM2+3]

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:25 am
by trixmoto
The links to all of my scripts can be found on my website. I don't post links in the threads because I find it too much of an overhead to keep them up-to-date, it's easier just to let my custom built CMS on my website make it easy! :)

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:03 am
by trixmoto
New version (5.2) is now available to download from my website. Changes include...

- Fixed null strings in backup on shutdown
- Fixed form is now resizable
- Fixed mask fields now uppercased
- Fixed some characters in playlist names causing errors
- Fixed paths now got from api rather than calculating
- Fixed zip archives not created if folder doesn't exist
- Fixed temporary files not removed if only second archive used
- Added version and build mask fields
- Added support for unicode characters when exporting playlists
- Added temporary folder used if output path left blank
- Added check to make sure zip files have actually been created
- Added update server to installation package

You will need at least MM3.1 beta1 to use this version of the script. Hope you like it!

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:39 am
by gpzbc
Thank you very much! This continues to be my most useful script.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:42 am
by nynaevelan

For some reason I can no longer download scripts on your page. It just keeps bringing me back to the same page. I have tried it using IE7, IE8 and Firefox in Vista and Xp. Is there a way to get scriptes downloaded? Am I the only one having this problem? And I know it is available via the updates in MM but I like to keep backup copies of all installation packages.


Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:19 am
by trixmoto
My site won't let you hotlink to my downloads, meaning that if you go straight to the file link it will show my website first and then you need to click the file link again from on my page. If this is not working for you then that tells me your browser is not sending the referer information in the request headers.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:26 am
by nynaevelan
How do I fix this, is it something in my settings? The steps I take to get there is:

1. type in
2. Click on MM icon
3. Click on scripts menu and select scripts
4. Click on MM3 icon, then it brings me back to the same page. No matter how many times I click it, it just brings me back the the same page.

This hapens on different browsers of different computers with different settings.


Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:54 am
by trixmoto
Ah, it wasn't expecting the "www." in front. This should be fixed now.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:00 pm
by nynaevelan
trixmoto wrote:Ah, it wasn't expecting the "www." in front. This should be fixed now.
Thank you, I am back in business. :D :D


Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:18 pm
by martialartsguy

I'm getting an error when running the script or exiting MM3. It appears to be Line 128, Char 7, and the Error is Permission denied.

The previous lines:
If inic = 1 Then
If fso.FileExists(idir) Then
That line is:
fso.CopyFile idir, bdir, True

running latest RC. I never had problems with the previous versions.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:49 pm
by trixmoto
"Permission denied" means that your OS is blocking the copy command. Try running MM "as administrator" and see if that fixes it.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:30 pm
by martialartsguy
trixmoto wrote:"Permission denied" means that your OS is blocking the copy command. Try running MM "as administrator" and see if that fixes it.
Hmm, it's working now and I didn't do anything different. BTW, I'm using XP as admin. Not sure what happened there.

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:57 am
by MusicBringer
Hello Trix, I seem to be having a problem in correctly displaying the Backup script dialog box.
I am using Backup5.2, MM3.1.0.1256.
Please see attached images.
One is the box as first displayed, then Two is after re-sizing the box to the right.
As you can see the rows do not line up.
Also the text is truncated.
Not a HUGE issue, but thought you would wish to know about it :)

Re: Backup 5.2 [MM2+3]

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:28 am
by nynaevelan

This might be due to the skin you are using, I tried resizing the box with Blue Glass and 3 custom installed skins and they all resize correctly.
