Album Art Problems

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Album Art Problems

Post by mediajunkie »

Sorry if I seem to be unloading a barrage of 'newbie' questions, but I came across another 'glitch'. I am trying to tag a particular .mp3 with album art within the file. All seems to be going good, I check mark the appropriate boxes, hit the button to add the tag info., and I see the Album Art in the A.A. Window.
But, when I click away to another .mp3, which also has it's Album Art in the A.A. Window, and click back to the .mp3 file in question, the A.A. Window is blank...
Any suggestions? Thanks again for being patient with me. Hopefully, I will be able to return the favor some time in the future.
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:22 pm

re: Album Art Problems

Post by mediajunkie »

Nevermind. I went to the 'My Computer' tree, and went to the particular artist folder, right-clicked and hit the 'Add/Rescan Tracks to the Library' option and that seemed to fix my problems. Sorry for the trouble. I have been a WinAmp user for all of my digital .mp3 life, so navigating around and fully utilizing all the power MediaMonkey has will take some while, I'm sure. For the record, I have officially uninstalled WinAmp, heh.
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Re: re: Album Art Problems

Post by Hooah »

mediajunkie wrote:Nevermind. I went to the 'My Computer' tree, and went to the particular artist folder, right-clicked and hit the 'Add/Rescan Tracks to the Library' option and that seemed to fix my problems. Sorry for the trouble. I have been a WinAmp user for all of my digital .mp3 life, so navigating around and fully utilizing all the power MediaMonkey has will take some while, I'm sure. For the record, I have officially uninstalled WinAmp, heh.
Glad you got it worked out. We were all there once. I am still there sometimes. But I still use WinAmp along side MM. MM is great when I am listening to my entire collection or sorting it. But when I want to listen to one or two files, I use winamp since it loads quicker for me (I keep Winamp bare bones).
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