MediaMonkey 2.2 Alpha 3 -- No more monkey business

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MediaMonkey 2.2 Alpha 3 -- No more monkey business

Post by rusty »

MediaMonkey 2.2 Alpha 3 (build 719) is ready for your bug busting pleasure. This build owes a lot to all of the dedicated translators who've contributed French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese translations. Thanks to all of you!!

Important Testing Note: You'll notice that this build is significantly larger than previous builds. This is because a large chunk of exception handling code has been added to help debug problems that occur during the alpha/beta testing period. If a bug involves a crash/access violation or other similar error, please e-mail me a copy of the c:\MMExcept.log file that is generated by MediaMonkey (note: this file is deleted each time MediaMonkey is restarted, so make sure to send it before restarting). This will help us rapidly resolve some of the bugs that until now, have been a bit trickier to reproduce and resolve.

Before you rush into downloading it, remember that it's an Alpha. It is labeled 'alpha' because it contains a variety of changes many of which have not been thoroughly tested and some of which have barely been tested. The software is being provided for feedback and testing purposes, and is recommended for use only by advanced users who regularly test pre-release software. If you plan on testing it, take precautions to backup your data to protect against data loss during installation or usage.

If you do decide to try it out, we'd love to hear your feedback.

What's new in build 719?
  • - Added French translation (alpha) thanks to Octopod
    - Added Italian translation (alpha) thanks to Argo
    - Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation (beta) thanks to Paulino
    - Added Spanish translation (beta) thanks to Pablo
    - Added option to use ASCII for ID3v2 tags
    - Added tooltips for Player
    - Improved exception handling in debug builds (log saved to c:\MMExcept.log)
    - Improved ID3v2 unicode tagging compatibility by defaulting to ASCII if 'foreign' characters aren't used
    - Improved configuration of skins & backgrounds
    - Fixed installation of MM 2.2 over 2.1 fails to update the UI correctly
    - Fixed ID3v1 tags are unreadable when foreign characters are used (now uses ASCII encoding)
    - Fixed tracks appear 'unsynchronized' when foreign characters & ID3v1 tags are used
    - Fixed tagging problems when editing properties of tracks in the library via /My Computer
    - Fixed error when manually renaming directories
    - Fixed error message when deleting drive in /Location
    - Fixed error condition when deleting folders in /My Computer
    - Fixed misplaced cursor when deleting text selection
    - Fixed crashes and missing buttons (in Locate Moved/Missing Files) when non-standard DPI settings are used
    - Fixed stars don't appear when creating search queries by 'rating'
    - Fixed various localization issues
    - Scripts and script titles non-localizable
    - Various app strings non-localizable (based on Octopod's feedback)
    - Properties dialog doesn't adjust to fit strings
    - Fixed access violation on Burn or Leveling empty node & editing properties of multiple tracks
    - Fixed Now Playing | Options context menus. Corrected wording & Options now appear only where relevant.
    - Fixed <Ctrl><a> didn't work in Properties | Comments field
    - Fixed <Ctrl><b> (previous track) and <Ctrl><n> (next track) player shortcuts
    - Fixed only first script is displayed on W9x
    - Fixed Send-to (Convert): selected track isn't checked off
    - Fixed non-editable dropdowns in options menu appear to retain focus indefinitely
    - Fixed missing tooltips for Menus and added new ones for Minimize to Tray, Minimize to Now Playing.
    - Fixed numerous graphics glitches (album browser drop down, minimized player, tabs, etc.)
    - Fixed numerous display problems when DPI setting > 96
    - Fixed checkbox theming problems on non-XP systems
    - Fixed sleep functionality tab order problem
    - Fixed sleep functionality moved to the player menu
MediaMonkey 2.2 Alpha 3:

Double-click the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions. You can install:
a) To your MediaMonkey directory, replacing the current version of MediaMonkey. If you take this approach make certain to back up your database beforehand.
b) To a new directory (e.g. /Program Files/MediaMonkey_alpha), preserving your existing MediaMonkey installation so that you can use one version or the other.

Other Stuff
MediaMonkey 2.2 is localizable. If you want to localize it to your language, see the localization forum:

-The MediaMonkey Team