Renaming a playlist causes it to loose its sorting.

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Renaming a playlist causes it to loose its sorting.

Post by Jim48T »

I have a simple playlist (a simple list of audiobooks) and I renamed it and, after the renaming it was in a completely different order. That is it became sorted alphabetically.
The sorting i had before the rename was in the order I wanted to listen to the books but the alpha sort is, for my books, more like random. But it did NOT change the currently playing book.
I have reordered the playlist to what i want but I should not have had to do that. This is really just a report as I have already fixed the problem but I thought the developers might want to look into this bug.
Also I was wondering if there was anything else I should be aware of that could screw up my playlists? I don't really mind working around bugs but i would like to know is there any other functions/maintenance issues that i need to avoid particularly any involving playlists? I now know to avoid renaming playlists or at least be aware that they will need fixing after the rename.

Thanks. Again this is not urgent as i already fixed the screwed up playlist but I would like to avoid any more time consuming issues in the future.
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Re: Renaming a playlist causes it to loose its sorting.

Post by Lowlander »

I'm unable to reproduce. What Build (Help > About) of MediaMonkey are you seeing this with?
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Joined: Wed May 15, 2024 2:20 pm

Re: Renaming a playlist causes it to loose its sorting.

Post by Jim48T »

I am on 2024.0.0.3020

The playlist involved contains nearly 100 books each over 8 hours long and was actually created, originally, under whatever version I had before being advised, by you, to upgrade to my current MM beta system. It was also a music playlist but, to attempt to get at the problem of not playing the next book, I changed all books and the playlist type to "AudioBooks" and then I finally discovered, thanks to you, the repeat setting was the problem. But all the finagling with the playlist may have screwed something up. Or it could be related to the number of items in the list or the size of each item.
I really do not know the actual cause. I just wanted to report so, if needed, it could be looked at.

But if you cannot reproduce the problem then i have to conclude that it was actually caused by all my fiddling trying to find and fix the earlier problem.
No matter what, everything seems to be functioning perfectly right now and i am content.
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