getSelectedTracklist missing in 5.1

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getSelectedTracklist missing in 5.1

Post by TIV73 »

I just installed the 5.1 preview (2802) and was pleasantly surprised that almost all of my addons worked without any issues. One of the few notable exceptions was an addon that adds new actions and relies on getSelectedTracklist, which doesn't seem to be there anymore.

I can see that the function is still defined in uitools.js and it's referenced in a bunch of places so it seems like it generally still exists, but if I open a console and try to run uitools.getSelectedTracklist(), I just get a typeerror telling me that the function doesn't exist.

Is this just growing pains of the new version, or is there now a new method to get the list of the currently selected tracks? If so - how?
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Re: getSelectedTracklist missing in 5.1

Post by Ludek »

This will be fixed in the next build, thanks!
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