Ending app restarts track on resume

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Ending app restarts track on resume

Post by gordol »

This was an issue with v1 that never reported because I knew v2 was on the way and thus would never get fixed in the older version. Issue started with updating my phone to Android 13 / OneUI 5.

When MMA is ended, and then immediately restarted, it will reset the currently playing track back to the beginning. This may be a timing issue, as it happens if I end the app either directly while it's playing or within a few seconds of stopping/pausing playback. I will do this occasionally because my phone likes to self-run Pandora in the background even when it's not manually started, which then causes that to show up in the system Now Playing notifications which then causes Pandora to steal the play/pause command from my connected BT speaker or headset. (I do not have MMA set to be a default for this because then my separate (and frankly better) podcast player won't respond to those commands.)

Galaxy s22U Android 13/OneUI 5
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Re: Ending app restarts track on resume

Post by rusty »

How are you closing MM while it's playing? Unless I'm mistaken, the only way to do so is to press the Stop button on the notification player, and pressing Stop causes the play position to reset (as I think it should).

Are you suggesting that the 'Stop' button should be removed from the Notification player (rely on 'Pause' instead) and that MMA should be closed by swiping the notification window instead of relying on 'Stop'?

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Re: Ending app restarts track on resume

Post by gordol »

Stop/Pause has always just Paused playback, and remembers the position in the track when resumed, even when the program actually ends (task switcher force-close, swipe the paused Notification thing off screen, reboot the phone). And IMO, this is the way it should work. Like a tape cassette picks up where you left off.

The issue here appears to be one of timing. Not being a developer myself, I do not know what changes in Android 13 / OneUI 5 would have caused this, I just know that if "enough time" has passed since stopping playback, I can end or let end the MMA process and pick up where I left off later, but if I do not the track resets to the beginning.

I haven't actually timed it, but it feels like it needs at least 45 seconds, maybe a full minute or more. There is a substantial gap in my unintentional testing here: It's always been less than a minute when this reset happens, and more than 5 minutes when it does not.
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Re: Ending app restarts track on resume

Post by rusty »

'Stop' functionality is actually designed to reset the playback position, whereas Pause is is designed to preserve it.

What's strange is that it's only resetting the playback position for you some of the time. I suspect that you're right that this is related to https://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewt ... p?t=103190

We'll wait for the devs to analyse the log that you submitted for that bug.

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