Is it possible to convert a full install to portable?

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Is it possible to convert a full install to portable?

Post by loondawg »

Is it possible to take an existing full install and convert it to portable?

I am trying to use the Burn using MediaMonkey 4 1.0.2 add-on in MM5. That relies on using an MM4 install. A problem I'm going to have is that I used MM4 for years. I did tons of work updating it to run just the way I like. There are dozens of add-on installed, subscribed podcasts, directories that are scanned at start-up, etc... So start up takes a long time and it does a lot of things on startup. I don't want to lose all the work I did getting it just right as I still need to use it every once in a while for things like add-ons that have not been updated to work with MM5 (as far as I know anyway).

So what I would like to do, if possible, is convert it to a portable install so that I can then install an new clean version of MM4 to use exclusively for the CD burning function. Is that possible to do?
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Re: Is it possible to convert a full install to portable?

Post by Lowlander »

Just install MediaMonkey 4 as Portable Install. You can uninstall the existing MediaMonkey 4. If you want to keep the MediaMonkey 4 database you can copy it from the regular install to the portable install location.
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Re: Is it possible to convert a full install to portable?

Post by loondawg »

While I assume this would keep things like my DLNA setup, podcast subscriptions, custom paths for auto-organize files, and other settings related stuff, will that also keep all my add-ons and their setting intact too?

There's a long list of things I spent a long time getting exactly as I like them. If I lost all my custom regexp find and replace customizations, I would probably never be able to recreate them. And there are other things I remember having to go through tough learning curves to figure out and get right. Even something as simple as getting my visualizations tuned just the way I like. I would hate to have to go through all that again. I'm also concerned about things like codec packs I had to pay extra for.

I'll be honest. I know some of this is just fear. But it's this type of thing that has kept me from truly committing to MM5. If I knew I could kind of push MM4 to the side, but it would be there if I ever needed to use it for something that didn't make it over to MM5 or just to see how I got it to work in, I would dive into MM5 fully.

Unfortunately though I did not anticipate this when I made MM4 the main install. And just so you know, this isn't bashing MediaMonkey. I've had the same issue with programs like Kodi. When you've put so much time into something, it's hard to throw it away to start over again with a new version.
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Re: Is it possible to convert a full install to portable?

Post by Lowlander »

I'd keep the regular install in that case. You can copy the Scripts folder over to the Portable Install, but it will be up to each Addon if that works for them.
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