Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

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Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

Post by mndtrp »

I use MediaMonkey as the main interface to handle my music. I'm running into an issue with my QNAP server and artists/albums with leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...) being marked as hidden. This results in Plex not being able to see those folders, and them not being added into the Plex library. So far, I've been unable to get the hidden attribute unchecked for the folders remain unchecked. While I'm looking into how to resolve that on the QNAP, I thought I would see if there's a way for MediaMonkey's auto-organize to remove any leading periods or ellipsis for artists and albums. I've tried to manually edit the file path on the properties screen, but it doesn't make any changes.

Is there any sort of filter for auto-organize that would take "...And Death Said Live" and change it to "And Death Said Live"?

Alternatively, I guess if anyone knows how to get the hidden attribute to be removed on the QNAP, I'd be grateful for that, too.
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Re: Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)?

Post by Peke »

. character as folder filename mask means forced hidden on LInux and you can't remove the attribute.

The best solution for you would be to open MediaMonkey.ini and under [Filemappings] add line "2E=" where all dots will be translated to non characters.

After that use Auto Organize to move tracks to new path.

Linux is more flexible than windows read more at ... haracters/

Anyway I added this into for future consideration.
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Re: Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

Post by mndtrp »

Thank you for the reply and explanation.

Within the .ini, I found:


If I understand you correctly, I should just add a line under the "19=" with "2E="?
I take it that will remove all "." from filenames, regardless of location within that filename?

"\Music\Mors Principium Est\...And Death Said Live\2 - Departure.flac"
will become
"\Music\Mors Principium Est\And Death Said Live\2 - Departure.flac"
Which will fix my hidden folder/Plex issue.

"\Music\Insomnium\Winter's Gate\1 - Winter's Gate, Pt. 1.flac"
will become
"\Music\Insomnium\Winter's Gate\1 - Winter's Gate, Pt 1.flac"
Which will just be a casualty of the change, and hopefully won't affect anything with Plex scanning/results.

And this will apply to all media files, not just the music, correct?
As an aside, do you know why mediamonkey is able to find and play the files in the "hidden" folders, while something like Plex wouldn't?
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Re: Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

Post by Lowlander »


MediaMonkey can play hidden files, but won't add them during scanning. If they became hidden after scanning they will still work in MediaMonkey.
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Re: Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

Post by mndtrp »

Awesome. Again, thank you for the reply and explanation, makes sense.

I applied the change to the .ini file, reran auto-organize on just the "...And Death Said Live" album. It cleared out the elipsis, and Plex immediately found it, and added it in with the correct album title.

FYI, I also auto-organized a DJ set that used "." in the title for the date, "The Crystal Method: Live @ San Francisco (2007.01.01)" to see what would happen within Plex. Since it isn't an album that could be matched to any database, I was curious if Plex would change any of the metadata. It didn't.

So it looks like this is a perfectly acceptable fix for my issues. Thank you for the quick help, as well as MediaMonkey as a whole. I hope to finally move over to MM5 here shortly, just have to install the thing.
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Re: Any way for Auto-Organize to remove leading periods (.) and ellipsis (...)? [#18216]

Post by Peke »

Great, THX for update. It was our pleasure.

Happy Monkeying!
Best regards,
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