Auto-DJ Playlist Mixer

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Auto-DJ Playlist Mixer

Post by jess12345 »

Hi guys, First off i just wanted to say that I'm loving how things are coming along and I look forward to the future achievements..

That being said I just wanted to ask if you guys intend on implementing some way of mixing Collections or playlists into the Auto-DJ Feature?

Currently you can set Auto-DJ to select songs to play from one Collections/playlists at a time but what I'm proposing is a way to select songs from multiple Collections/playlists and play a song from each in a spacfic order.... So if I have 5 Collections/playlists selected in Auto-DJ I will get one song from each until it starts again.

I do understand if this is something that is not possible or can't be achieved but it's definitely a feature that would be awesome In my prospective

Just would love the ability to mix Collections/playlists in this way so I can create a better listening experience for multiple people at any given time by creating equal opportunities for songs to play when I'm with friends or family.

I hope that I explained that successfully 😂

Cheers guys.
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Re: Auto-DJ Playlist Mixer

Post by Lowlander »

AutoPlaylists can be build from other AutoPlaylists and Playlists. You can't get a specific order as requested, but the mixing of different playlists can be done with AutoPlaylists.
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Re: Auto-DJ Playlist Mixer

Post by jess12345 »


Yes I am aware that you can do what you have stated, but thanks for the reply

Like I said I'm really just looking for that option to pick from each playlist/collection individually.

If I have a playlist/collection with 1000 rock songs and a playlist/collection with 200 Hip-hop songs all mixed in to one playlist/collection that Auto-DJ is picking from is not going to play one for one from each playlist/collection and the ratio of what plays is obviously very different.

I understand that it's not Possible to do this so I'm just asking if it could be considered in a future update :)

If it's something that's not possible or maybe not in demand it's all good.

I know it sounds weird but it's the only thing I wish I could do with the Auto-DJ

Thanks Lowlander
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Re: Auto-DJ Playlist Mixer

Post by MikeGahrns »

+ 1 for this feature

Just wanted to chime in that I would find this functionality very useful and was thinking that something similar would be awesome.
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