Oh Dear - What has happened?

This forum is for reporting bugs in MediaMonkey for Windows 4. Note that version 4 is no longer actively maintained as it has been replaced by version 5.

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Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Hpoonis2010 »

To begin, the issue of year//year has NOT been resolved, even after more than 10 years! Monkey software still messes the date up if you even hint at entering the properties of a track. This is unacceptable!

Second, there are tracks in my library that appear to have an album entry yet when I use an external MP3TAG tool (the name should give it away) there are no albums entered for these tracks. I have tried removing and rescanning these files and still they appear with an album.

Lastly, when registering (I already had an account with a username but cannot recall the email address) I was asked to verify using the captcha crap and it mentioned buses, ie, those vehicles that carry passengers, but all I saw was a horse box!

I enjoyed using mediamonkey for PC, I tried the android version but it was terrible. But I think I shall have to use another tool now.
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Post by Hpoonis2010 »

I posted a topic but it did not appear. Frikkin awful customer service model!

Captcha asked me to verify buses. A bus is a passenger vehicle. It showed me a horse box and when I tried to verify without clicking on the horse box - after all, it is NOT A FRIKKIN BUS! - it failed to move on.

Tracks in my library are shown with an album - made from the track title. The tracks were added without an album; I know this as I verified tags using MP3TAG software. I use an external tag editor (previously mentioned) but they still show with an album. So I remove from library, check in MP3TAG and rescan the directory with monkey. Still showing with album. Bad form!

The year//year bug still exists and it has been a thing for more than 10 years! Why has this not been addressed after all this time?

The above problems are really game-killers. I shall not be using monkey - after 7 or more years. I am disappointed in how things do not get fixed at all. The android version of your player was the worst I have used and I never went back to it.
Erwin Hanzl
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Re: Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Erwin Hanzl »

Basically: 2 tagging programs - 2 results
To begin, the issue of year//year has NOT been resolved, even after more than 10 years!
This is not a bug of MediaMonkey, the program MP3Tag summarizes similar fields.

You have to deal with MP3Tag more so that the field descriptions are identical to MM.

I gave up working with MP3Tag. Since then I have had no problems with MM.
However, there are also MP3Tag-experts in this forum. Maybe someone will answer.
Instead I work in MM with the addon "Discogs-Tagger"
I tried the android version but it was terrible
What's terrible about it again?

What do you think who will help you without announcing your software versions?

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Re: Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Lowlander »

MediaMonkey can auto-fill empty tags, but won't save them to the files until you edit the files or use Ctrl+S on selected files to save the tags to the file. Try Ctrl+S on selected files and then check in other software.
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Re: Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Hpoonis2010 »

I set it to NEVER auto fill tags. I prefer to use my media player to play and other software to edit tags. So, the fact that there are fields with data in them that I didn't put there is extremely disconcerting and provides false information. The 'album' field is being populated by data from the track title field. This only happens for a few tracks per directory but, in any case, it should NOT be happening at all!

So, I decided to try out 5.0 to see if these issues were rectified. They were not. How very disappointing. Fancy new front end...not at all an improvement. I liked the listing format of the old interface. The new one defaults to album art at the top and then a listing of the tracks...no matter how often I remove the album listing it reappears when I re-open the software. Genre, Rating, and a bunch of other useless columns can no longer be permanently removed as they could with previous versions. Thus I have to keep getting rid of the chaff to show items in a way that suits me.

The ability to 'save' playlists has disappeared. This was useful in that one could back up playlists without having to backup the entire database.

Playlists are now no longer ordered logically: either a-z or 0-9. This is a shame as I had playlists for 1952 - 1999. Oh! you may cry, you can use the 'years' feature to play tracks from a particular year. All well and good, I say, but I had playlists for tracks only appearing in the charts for a particular year, but I have a lot more tracks (per year) that were NOT in the charts and so no wish to include those. I preferred the ordered system of old.

I like ordered data. It is easy to see discrepancies when data is ordered. The software seems to be taking backward steps. "Oh! But we made a fancy new front end! As long as it looks good, who cares what really happens back there?"

As for Android...it matters not what version of whatever. The android player refused to show only playlists/tracks that actually existed. When I delete playlists from the mobile device I expect them to disappear from the player. The solution I was offered (several years ago) was to do some twaddle with the local (android) database. If I have to manipulate the database manually, what's the point of having specific software? Thus, I use poweramp to play on mobile.

Two of the prime reasons I used mediamonkey: I despise microsoft and will NEVER use media player; Sync to mobile device. Not a lot of choice for sync twixt PC & device.
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Re: Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Hpoonis2010 »


Field is populated when the track has a '-' in the title. Now this seems odd because there will be MANY track titles with a '-' in them.
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Re: Oh Dear - What has happened?

Post by Lowlander »

Disable Infer File Properties under Tools > Options > Library as it infers tags from folder/filenames.
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