"MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

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"MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by MMFrLife »

Well, now that the pre-release is out, it's too difficult at this stage to say what I think about it since it lacks too much
to really comment fairly. Sure, much of the core is there. But, aside from offering this little bit of a nugget, "it is at best intriguing
the way it currently sits", I can't spend too much time messing around with it, right now.

Its lacking was announced/expected and therefore understood. But at this point, I am smack dab in the middle of creating my
"new" organizational system (MM4 style!). One I've waited 15 years or so to finally invent (after countless trials have failed to present
my media the way I want it to).

What I'm focused on at the moment is just way more exciting than MM5 is at it's current stage. I "must" finish it! When I do, I'll get back
to all that is 5. Well, maybe I'll get back to it after a beta or two has been released. We'll see!

One good thing I noticed out of the box, something I harped on, is the ability to drag and drop the collections order.
That's the kind of stuff I like, improved functionality of "The Basics". And, first, improving things based on principle alone, not so much for the sake
of glossy mainstream appeal or having one's head in the cloud(s). It's not that stuff like that isn't also important. You need it to survive. Appealing
to the masses is what brings in the real money (a somewhat unfortunate fact of life). But, there is also a need to improve upon what's already there,
not just by bug fixing but by improving already stable, well established features of the program.

At this stage of the game, it looks to have great promise (with "a lot" of work ahead) and I will hope for the best!

p.s - I'll still mess around with it a "little" bit more, here and there, and post back here, or in the MM5 forum. :wink:
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by Peke »

Thank you for the honesty. Not sure I followed all eg. "MM4 style!".

Like you said there is much work ahead.
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by MMFrLife »

Peke wrote:Not sure I followed all eg. "MM4 style!".
It's just an expression of where my focus is right now. I mean, obviously, for a while it will still have to be for most. Although, if I weren't
creating a new organizational system, I would spend, at least, equal time with 5.

The new system revolves around folder structure and tags - much of which is an abbreviated system of Folder and Tag "IDs" for
displaying my library almost anyway I would want, minus a few things that a script like "Magic Nodes" can do that can't be done
with IDs and MM collections alone. Anyway, complex and tedious, but not so complicated per se. An "extensive" working/reworking
of things: new folder structure, tag and ID logic, testing ideas, cleaning out many older ID attempts and fixing tags that are nice but don't fit
the new way, auto-organizing, "exhaustive" use of ZevezdanD's scripts RegExp F&R and Magic Nodes. All the while documenting the logic of
the system in a personalized manual.

It's working, I'm gettin' there and soon the power will be all mine!!!.....maniacal laughter :lol:
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by theta_wave »

A lot of work ahead, but it has to start from somewhere. Performance-wise, it appears to be faster than MM4 but understandably there's quite a lot of rough edges to MM5 at its alpha stage (issues with stability, playback, etc). Overall, it looks intriguing and we'll see how it goes from here.
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by VladTepes »

From the little bit of reading I've done here, MM5 is a complete rewrite as opposed to just a development of MM4.

Does this mean that when the time comes it will be a new install as opposed to an upgrade?

Would I be correct I assuming that if I buy the Gold versionof MM4. I would then need to buy a new licence for MM5 Gold when the time comes?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but if it is, I coudln't find the right one !
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by Lowlander »

It's an update, but also a re-write. You'll keep your existing Library when updating.

An MM4 License is for MM4 only, a Lifetime License would cover both MM4 and MM5 as well as any future releases.
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Re: "MM5" Pre-Release Unleashed!

Post by VladTepes »

Thanks for the clarification.
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