Adding to library from UPNP

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Adding to library from UPNP

Post by deearrtee »


I have the latest version of MM gold running on my Windows 8.1 tablet. I have universal media server 6.5.2 running from a linux laptop on the same network, which has all my music collection on it.

Using MM on my Android phone, I can connect to , and play from, the upnp files.

However MM on my tablet does not seem to be able to find any files. When I scan for files from the tablet, the usual scanning thing appears at the bottom, complete with artists names, but i says reading 0 of 0 throughout. At the end of the scan it says no new files found.

When navigating to the files using the tree, I can get right down to each individual album folder, but MM does not see anything in them. As I say, the files are definitely there because MM on my phone plays them no problems.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled MM on the tablet. Still no change.

Has anyone got any ideas, because it is driving me up the wall!
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Re: Adding to library from UPNP

Post by Lowlander »

Are you scanning the Media Server?

Have you tried using Media Servers in the Media Tree to navigate to the server and its files? Does that fail too?
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