Android update and album art

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Android update and album art

Post by markj »

I know that there are lots of posts on album art, but I can't figure out what is driving the MMA behavior. I have around 250 albums on MMA, synced directly from MMW. They all showed artwork until a few days ago, but then my phone (Galaxy S6) updated to the latest android version (5.1.1) and virtually all of the album art disappeared - only around 10 albums still showed artwork on MMA. I spent a lot of time fooling with settings to try to fix this, but was unable to do anything. The album art is all on the phone - if I look in the music directory the art is in the folder for each album (right where MMA put it when it synced) but MMA will not show it anymore.

The only "tip" I could find in the forums was to erase all of the music from my phone and do a clean re-sync. I have done this (it took many hours), but see inconsistent results in how MMA deals with album art. All but a few of my albums now show album art in MMA. For the albums which do not show art, the sync did bring the album art file down to the phone - but MMA does not display it.

Could some one post a tutorial on how to resolve album art issues on MMA? Adding missing art is straight forward on MMW, but I haven't found any instructions which tell how to resolve issues on MMA.

(I am using MMW version with a gold license, and MWA version
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by comatzd »

I am currently experiencing this same issue on an S6 Edge+. Random display of album art when all files are present in the folders (400+ art files currently with 54 showing up).

Any resolutions?

Re: Android update and album art

Post by Claudex »

Same here, some albums are without, some with album art after update. Re-sync doesn't help.
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by rheostaticsfan »

me too
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by Dan33185 »

Glad to see I'm not the only one having this issue.

Re: Android update and album art

Post by nafran »

I found this thread after my phone, Verizon LG G3, also lost all artwork following an update to 5.1.1. Instead of actually deleting all of the files (like mentioned before takes a while to transfer) from the phone I removed my music folders from the library, did a scan for new/changed media, added the folder back and rescanned. It looks like my artwork is back once the scan finished.
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by kcalsyn »

I think you may have a different issue, but when I had trouble with randomly missing album art on MMA, I made sure to launch MMW with Administrator privileges. No issues ever again. Since you see the art on the phone, this may be a different issue, but maybe this advice will help somebody else. :)
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by Peke »

Can you please check latest Beta and if album arts are not seen but send us log file and writedown here LOG ID.
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Re: Android update and album art

Post by Kitmac »

Looks like this issue is still causing problems.
I just updated my Samsung A50 (Android 11) and with the exception of about 12 images, all my CD album artwork has vanished. It was organised perfectly (he says modestly) up until last night, and has never given me any problems previously (all my artwork is scanned).
I have tried deleting all my music and downloading it all again to the SD card, but it's still the same. All the music is present and playing on request. I have over 15,000 tracks on just over 1000 Cds so I've done all the deleting and reloading I feel like doing right now!
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