Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

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Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by Alcoholocaust »

I recently installed Minilyrics and embedded it and everything is going fine. I'm trying to get lyrics embedded in as many of my mp3s as Minilyrics has lyrics for. I have it set to auto-add the lyrics, but I have two questions. 1. Is there a quicker way to do this than skipping through thousands of tracks? and 2. Is there anyway that I can disable the fact that Minilyrics automatically adds something similar to this to every track?:

Title: Sailin' On
Artist: Bad Brains
encoding: iso-8859-15

I don't know why it adds this when it isn't even in the lyrics panel at the side, but I really want it to stop and have been unable to discover an option to accomplish this by myself or with my trusty friend Google (partially because I'm not really sure what to search for).
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Re: Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by Vyper »

This would be why I finally gave up on minilyrics (even after having paid for it) .... just way more trouble than it's worth. I now use the lyricator script found here:

Lyricator - Batch Lyrics Updater v1.00 [MM3]

The answer to both your questions I believe to be 'no' although I can't be sure of the first one since I never used the auto-add feature.
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Re: Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by Alcoholocaust »

That script destroyed my mediamonkey, it made all of my files duplicate and the originals all changed the original file names to something like ?:\Documents and Settings\etc instead of the proper C:\Documents and Settings\etc and now cannot be read. The duplicated files all got added within 2 minutes and all work, but don't include files from a certain directory. Is there anyway to reverse this script, maybe just have me delete all of the new duplicate files and a way to fix all of the question marks in the path names? I would prefer not re-adding library.
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Re: Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by Vyper »

This happened with the latest version? I've never had a problem with it. If it did happen with the latest, Owyn would probably like to know about it.
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Re: Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by Owyn »

Lyricator did have a problem with duplicating lyrics which took a long time to fix. The cause of the problem was finally identified as using Lyricator via My Computer instead of a Library node. The current version makes no changes at all to tracks selected from My Computer.

Lyricator, at least since I took over the maintenance, has never created or renamed files. The only tag it updates is the Lyrics tag.
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I drink therefore I am. (Monty Python)
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Re: Minilyrics is driving me crazy!

Post by jeanlery13 »

Minilyrics since then, was an accurate moderator of all song lyrics. Alternatively, it has due to some problem in options to the songs and the applicability of the lyrics on it. Unfortunately, others made it to the point that it gives disaster on the creation, but Minilyrics works very fine for me ta all.
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