ID3 tags

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ID3 tags

Post by Guestus »

Hello !
Back with some more questions, suggestions, this time regarding ID3 tags...
I noticed that there isn't a clear difference between ID3 v1 & v2 tags in SongsDB and no information telling me wheather a file has only ID3 v1, or 2, or both. This can be usefull sometimes. Also features like copying from one tag type to another whould be nice, or wiping out all of the tracks info.
What happends if a file allready has Id3 v1 info, and the option for saving v2 info is selected ? Does the v1 tag remain or is it deleted ?
Anyway...hope I've been clear enough...
Bye !

Post by Guestus »

Forgot something... :)
Some songs in the program appear to have ID3 info completed...but checking with other progs(like Winamp for example) I can see the tags are empty. What's happening ? It's a stupid thing knowing that some tracks have tags when the actually don't...This makes the "files to edit section" almost useless. Hope this is only a missconfigured option somewhere and not a bug in the program.

Post by Guestus »

Found something in the Help file:
"Infer Missing Track Info From Filenames
In cases where the tags do not contain much information, Songs-DB can get some information such as Artist, Title, or Album from the Filename if this option is enabled. If the 'Use Full Path' option is enabled, then the directory structure is also used to infer these properties, however, unless tracks are arranged in a highly organized directory structure, this option will yield incorrect results. Note that the inferred properties are saved in the database, but not saved to the file tags, in case the information is incorrect. "
So...I've answered my second post with this... :P
Posts: 8484
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Detailed ID3 tag info

Post by rusty »

One of the underlying philosophies of MediaMonkey is to keep it simple and to avoid forcing the user to deal with:
a) what is contained within which version of a tag
b) the distinction between tags and DB

MediaMonkey deals with this (in its default configuration) by:
a) allowing the user to set what type of tag to use
b) filling the DB with information based on the chosen tag types, and based on filenames (when tags are missing)
c) updating all fields for the chosen tag types whenever the user makes a change to any field for a particular track (tag types that haven't been chosen are left alone)

If you want to see which tracks have tags that are not synchronized with the DB, click the unsynchronized tags node (in Files to Edit). If you want to synchronize these tags with the DB, select them and click Tool:Synchronize Tags.

We have on our to do list, specs for features that allow the user to directly edit v1 vs v2 tags and transfer info between them, however, it's fairly low on our priority list because of the complexit it introduces.
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