Get AutoPlaylist to add higher rated songs more often?

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Get AutoPlaylist to add higher rated songs more often?

Post by ThuyHoang »

Is there any way to get AutoPlaylist to add higher-rated songs more often than lower-rated songs? Maybe something like a five-star song is 5 times more likely to be added than a one-star song? Is this only possible with an add-on? How hard would it be to create this add-on if it doesn't exist? Thanks!
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Re: Get AutoPlaylist to add higher rated songs more often?

Post by Lowlander »

I achieve this with using AutoPlaylist that use other AutoPlaylists:

Master AutoPlaylist Playlist equal to AutoPlaylist 5; AutoPlaylist 1
- AutoPlaylist 5 Rating = 5 stars limit to 100 files
- AutoPlaylist 1 Rating = 1 limit to 20 files

Would get you the ratio of 5 to 1 for 5 starts vs 1 stars. You'd also set your other criteria to get the exact files you want and add different Ratings AutoPlaylists as needed.

You can also have the Rating AutoPlaylists (ie. AutoPlaylist 5 and 1) use a different AutoPlaylist that defines which files you'd want to be included. So first you define what files should be on the final Playlists (ie. Genre = Rock), then you'd split them out to Ratings AutoPlaylists and apply limits to get the Ratio and then gather that into a single Master AutoPlaylist. The advantage of this extra step is that the Criteria of which files are included are in 1 place instead of each Rating AutoPlaylist. Thus if you want to change the Criteria you only need to do so once.

This is a bit to setup, but allows a lot of control on what the Master AutoPlaylist looks like. You can't do it in a single AutoPlaylist as you can't put limits on Criteria, instead Limit applies to the final AutoPlaylist list of files.
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Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:49 am

Re: Get AutoPlaylist to add higher rated songs more often?

Post by ThuyHoang »

This is a great idea that I'm going to implement! I didn't know you could nest playlists.
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Re: Get AutoPlaylist to add higher rated songs more often?

Post by Lowlander »

The nesting itself doesn't cause inheritance. You need to define it through the Playlist Criteria in an AutoPlaylist.
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