New Router

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Re: New Router

by Lowlander » Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:29 pm

Connect with Windows Explorer to the NAS and it will prompt for the password. Set it there and then MediaMonkey should also be able to access it.

Re: New Router

by Peke » Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:21 pm

xvda wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:47 am I have all my music on my NAS.
Yesterday I received a new router.
I have to change my password to get access from my laptop to my NAS thru the router.
In addition to @Timo_Beil I can say that that is strange behavior as changing the router should not interfere with access password on your NAS, only thing that could change is LAN IP address of NAS eg. instead of "\\" -> "" (or similar), because most of current devices today uses DHCP to fetch IP automatically from router. Same thing goes for your Laptop. I am curious what NAS you have (I hope it is not WD MyCloud home because based on WD itself it is not full NAS and do not work without internet connection and valid MyCloud Login (it creates Virtual Tunelling LAN driver to access files and is authorized thru internet so no offline files), but rather mobile could storage to backup data from mobile device in local HDD storage over internet). I successfully found way to make space and data available over LAN but in unprotected PUBLIC storage folder and you need to move existing files from cloud storage space to Public space, which remove ability to access files directly from Mobile device over internet.

Re: New Router

by Timo_Beil » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:54 am

MM has no routine to authenticate you in your LAN.
You can check this at the Windows level.
Can you access your media files in Windows Explorer without having to log in every time? If yes, MM can do that too; if no, you have to change the settings on router/NAS/Windows until you have permanent access in Windows.

New Router

by xvda » Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:47 am

I have all my music on my NAS.
Yesterday I received a new router.
I have to change my password to get access from my laptop to my NAS thru the router.

I have been searching in MM to change the new password, but i can not find it.

Can you pls help me?

