The connection is interrupted

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:D :) :( :o :-? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :roll: :wink:

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Re: The connection is interrupted

by Em_ma » Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:17 am

Hi! This is a fairly common situation among active Team Viewer users.
Based on what you've described, you've exceeded the limit for using the free version of the app. The server detects your usage to be excessive or more in line with commercial use. In this case, the message "TeamViewer trial" often appears.

Re: The connection is interrupted

by Peke » Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:39 pm

Unfortunately, I do not use TeamViewer any more, but it was the one of reasons I stopped using it.

The connection is interrupted

by Martinkelly » Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:10 pm

Hello! Could you please help me with the problem? I am using Team Viewer to connect to a remote desktop and the connection is constantly disconnected. Internet works well. What could be the reason? I would be grateful for any help!
