Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

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Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:42 pm

A debug log as described in the Bug Report forum could give the developers an insight as to what is happening. Might be a case of a corrupted database.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by jll1234 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:35 pm

But moving the files from one directory to another directory, then back again, would not change any file attributes, and neither should changing a album name via the MM property editor.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:13 am

One issue that can cause files to not show up is when they're set to be hidden. MediaMonkey respects the hidden attribute and ignores those files.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by jll1234 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:36 am

Well I figured out how to fix/work around the problem.

1) shut down MM
2) Moved the directories containing the 'missing' CDs to a different (non-monitored) drive
3) Start up MM
4) "Maintain library"
5) Shut down MM
6) Move CDs back
7) Startup MM, and all CDs are present

I also found out how to cause the problem. Once all my various artist CDs showed up, I saw one had a misspelled album name. While in MM, I selected all the tracks in the album, and edited the album name in the properties, and the album stopped showing up under various artists.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:05 pm

For MediaMonkey to show tracks as one album the Album Artist field needs to be the same for all the tracks on the album. This is normally something like Various Artists for compilation albums. You can find these by going to the Library > Files to Edit > Multiple Artist Albums.

Re: Several Various Artist CD not showing up

by TexIndian » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:37 pm

I have the same issue. I added MM Gold as a first-time user recently and scanned my whole library. Compilation albums are usually the problem. Songs listing various artists show up all over the place except for where you'd expect. I figured I'd have to go in and manually change the tags until they showed up in the same place. That is if I can locate all the pieces in a large library. If you discover a quick fix, let me know.

I notice that some compilation albums show the respective artists for each song on the CD cover, but when you rip them they all say 'Various Artists' under the artist column. Those were all complete and in one place - 'Various Artists' on the artist tree.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by nohitter151 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:02 pm

jll1234 wrote:OK apparently I am going insane. The album has started showing up under the albums node, however it is showing up without any songs. Both Disc1 and Disc2 now have nodes under the album node (but I swear disc2 was not there yesterday), and if I select disc1 everything looks good, but if I select disc2, it is empty.
The db could be messed up somehow. Removing and re-adding the tracks to the library could help.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:00 pm

Are you still add/rescanning tracks or using the File Monitor? Maybe a debug log as described in the Bug Report forum will give more insight to the developers as what is happening.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by jll1234 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:51 pm

OK apparently I am going insane. The album has started showing up under the albums node, however it is showing up without any songs. Both Disc1 and Disc2 now have nodes under the album node (but I swear disc2 was not there yesterday), and if I select disc1 everything looks good, but if I select disc2, it is empty.

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:35 pm

I guess it does show up under Charlie Daniels (although under the album name it does say Various Artists), along with some other charlie Daniels songs from various artist albums that do show up under the various artists node. So the songs show up under artist, year and location, but NOT under album artist or album

This also holds true when I try to configure my MP3 player, I would like to add the whole CD, so I would like to find the CD under various artists, but some CDs just do not show up there,

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:59 pm

So you're saying that the second track doesn't show in the Artist & Album Artist node under The Charlie Daniels Band or Various Artists, or the Album node Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 2].

Remember that you have to look for the Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 2] under the artist node and not Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 1].

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:10 pm

Here is a good example, I have a 2 CD album where disc 1 shows up, but disc 2 does not

Here are the tab properties for the first song off disc 1 (which shows up)
File path: E:\My Music\Various\Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 1]\Gimmie Three Steps.mp3
Filename: Gimmie Three Steps.mp3
Track Titile: Gimmie Three Steps
Artist: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Genre: Southern Rock
Album: Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 1]
Album Artist: Various Artists

Here are the tab properties for the first song off disc 2 (which does not show up in either artist & Album artist or the album node)
File path: E:\My Music\Various\Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 2]\The South's Gonna Do It (Again).mp3
FileName: The South's Gonna Do It (Again).mp3
Track Title: The South's Gonna Do It (Again)
Artist: The Charlie Daniels Band
Genre: Southern Rock
Album: Ultimate Southern Rock [Disc 2]
Album artist: Various Artists

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by Lowlander » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:30 am

If they show up in the Location node they're in the library.

The issue than is one of tagging? What are the values of the Artist and Album Artist field for those songs that fail to show up (an example song is enough)?

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by rovingcowboy » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:33 am

spec's would help 8)

Re: Serveral Various Artist CD not showing up

by » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:46 am

I don't have any filters setup.

I am not seeing them in either the "Artist & album artist" node, or the album node, although I can find them under the location node.

I think several of them auto-tagged to having the album artist match the artist, and the I manually changed the album artist to various artist.

I have tried doing the maintain library, add/rescan tracks and find missing tracks, but I keep having to go back to the location node to find the albums. (I am assuming node refers to the folder under library in the tree on the left side of MM).

They do not show up under unknown or unknown artist in the artist and album artist node, but I did find at least one of them under the year node.
