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[REQ] Playlist in Main Window: Copy Playlist Names to a Multi Entry Field

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:03 am
by richiefinger
Is there a way I can copy the names of all the playlists a track is part of to a multi entry field?

Example: Solid Pleasure by Yello exists in the Playlists:
Richie's Big Balearic List
Richie's German Balearic List
Random Goodness

I would like to copy these 3 list names to separate entries in a field that can use multiple entries separated by ; or , etc and that can have more entries added to it a later date.
I would then like to be able to edit the name of any one of those playlist names so that all tracks with that playlist name in the field will all have that name edited.

Change all the tracks tagged with Richie's Big Balearic List to so that Richie's Big Balearic List has now got the tracks tagged with the name Richie's Old Balearic List. But without changing the other entries Richie's German Balearic List or Random Goodness.

Reason for doing this is that I have become dependent on playlists for organization but I want this playlist information to be in the tags rather than as an external playlist. This means I can throw my tracks into any other media player on any platform and still be able to access my tracks in the same way.

I'm using the grouping field at the moment which is fine if the track is in only playlist, but when its in multiple playlists I have to manually change the names of the playlist if the name changes or if the track is removed from the playlist.
Any other suggestions to what I suggested above gratefully received.

Re: Copy Playlist Names to a Multi Entry Field

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:01 am
by Lowlander
No, there was an Addon that can do something alike: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39589 However nothing alike exists for MediaMonkey 5.

Note that MediaMonkey can Sync Playlists to many different devices.

Re: [REQ] Playlist in Main Window: Copy Playlist Names to a Multi Entry Field

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:32 am
by Ludek
Fo anyone interested it should be easily doable by a script using something like:

Code: Select all

var playlists = app.playlists.getPlaylistsForTrackAsync( track);
playlists.whenLoaded().then(() =>  {
	// loop the playlists here and write to a track field
	var concatPlaylistNames = '';
	listForEach( playlists, (playlist) => {
		if (concatPlaylistNames  <> '')
        		concatPlaylistNames  = concatPlaylistNames  + ',';
		concatPlaylistNames = concatPlaylistNames  +;
	track.custom6 = concatPlaylistNames;
Similar code uses TrackPlaylistsTree component used in Properties > Classifications to show the list of playlists to which the track belongs.