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Portable installation in google drive

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:14 pm
by doublecouponday
This is an interesting topic for people who are afraid of losing years of collecting music. Normally you would backup to an external hard drive manually; but this is time consuming and annoying. The alternative is cloud backup (but not without its own challenges). Google drive is one of the best choices since G music 1: does not support WAVs, 2: your broadband bill will go through the roof since there is only the cloud player, 3: I believe you cannot download your library once its up there?? I haven't tried drop box or similar auto back up competitors but G drive pricing is very good; $2.50 USD for 100GB.

I have managed to get this working but there have been many problems. I think I started with MM version 3.2 and it did not support different windows user names in the address of music files. Now in 3.6 It seems the paths work if the addresses are the same number of forward slashes away from C:/. I changed my playlist types to M3U and it seems okay. The exported playlist's addresses now have generic dots all the way up to the first parent folder of the tracks. It also helps that google drive is, by default, installed in the same location for all win 10 computers.

My wish has to do with uploading at the same time as using the program. Its just a guess: I think this causes the 'musicbeelibrary.bak', 'musicbeelibrarysettings.bak' etcetera to conflict if google drive is currently 'using' those files. MM smothers the crash (but displays an error when this occurs) and creates a duplicate file, for it to work on, with the string "[conflict]" appended to the file names. This creates a permanent desync between computers and who knows what will happen to your library if this state is allowed to reoccur? My wish is Mediamonkey should crash when it realises its settings files are in use elsewhere. Nothing of value will be lost and will perfect the cloud sync installation practice!

As luck would have it, MM Is still one of the only libraries out there that gets close to synchronized library support. It just needs to be acknowledged as a feature and supported by the developers.

Re: Portable installation in google drive

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:40 am
by jiri
It isn't clear to me, do you only upload music to the GDrive, or do you run MM portable installation from the drive?

Btw, MM5 supports cloud sync (including GDrive). It isn't fully finished, we plan several improvements to the workflow, but maybe it's close to what you need?


Re: Portable installation in google drive

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:41 pm
by doublecouponday
With my setup, both folders are in the sync folder :-). Just make sure every pc which connects to this google account installs the sync folder in the same folder otherwise you are going to have a bad time!

That's good to hear you are currently working on cloud features. I will gladly check it out once finished.

Re: Portable installation in google drive

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:52 am
by lifeinbeats
I just uploaded 200 GB of music after seeing this post and having confidence that I could get something similar to work. I had the same issues as the poster with Mediamonkey constantly updating system files while it was running (which Google Drive then claimed as it was uploading them causing all sorts of issues). I thought about stopping the sync process every time I had mediamonkey open, but that seemed cumbersome and I would surely forget sometimes.

I found a decent workaround, though. If you're not concerned about your menus, hotkeys and skins syncing across all of your devices, you can install Mediamonkey on each local machine's HDD, and then just put the .DB file on the cloud drive.

All you have to do is edit the mediamonkey.ini file on each computer and add a line to the text file: ... e-location

The best part is that Mediamonkey only overwrites and updates the database (.db) file when you close mediamonkey, removing any chance of contaminating your google drive.

One non-related tip: Do not sync two computers with google drive at the same time. You will end up with duplicate folders that google renames with a (1) behind them.

Also if you're wondering, I tried OneDrive, and while their pricing is competetive, their download speeds are slow for a large number of files like a music library usually contains.

Re: Portable installation in google drive

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:29 pm
by lifeinbeats
One issue that I'm running into is that everytime I switch between computers, my music is remapped from my "Z:" drive to "LocalDisk." I read a little bit about it in the forums and it seems that Mediamonkey uses the harddrives serial number, not just the drive's letter, when mapping your files. I found a workaround, but it'd be nice if you didn't have to do this:

Once you get the script up and running, it just takes a second for the script to remap all of the files and then restart MMW.

If anyone has a better solution, I'm all ears.