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Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:48 pm
by flashk

I'm updating a plugin to work with 4.1 and ran across a small issue with persistent dockable panels. Within the OnStartup function of my auto script, I create a persistent dockable panel and perform certain initialization only if the panel is visible (i.e. Panel.Common.Visible). In 4.1, the Visible attribute is always true during startup, even if it was previously closed. However, after the startup function is called the Visible attribute is restored to the correct value. I don't recall having this issue with 4.0 and earlier, but I'm not sure exactly which version this problem started happening.

Let me know if you would like me to provide more information.

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:06 am
by Ludek
Hi, could you attach or refer to an example script demonstrating this?

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:33 pm
by gege
I think flashk is reffering to his (great) add-on MonkeyFlow. I have seen this behavior in MonkeyFlow and also other scripts using persistent panels.
Here is a screenshot to illustrate:


SCripts shown in screenshot above are: MonkeyFlow; Lyrics and Comment Viewer; WebSearch Panels.

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:03 am
by Ludek
Yes, I think I see it now.

In 4.0.7:
- if I start MM when MonkeyFlow is disabled, the menu View -> [ ] Monkey Flow is correctly unchecked and checking it correctly initializes MonkeyFlow

In 4.1.0
- if I start MM when MonkeyFlow is disabled, the menu View -> [x] Monkey Flow is incorrectly checked and unchecking it has no effect and empty MonkeyFlow window is show, user needs to uncheck/check it again to properly initialize MonkeyFlow

To be fixed as:

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:48 am
by gege
Ludek wrote:In 4.1.0
- if I start MM when MonkeyFlow is disabled, the menu View -> [x] Monkey Flow is incorrectly checked and unchecking it has no effect and empty MonkeyFlow window is show, user needs to uncheck/check it again to properly initialize MonkeyFlow
Yes, this is the same behavior I get.
Using Process Explorer, I discovered that, in fact, starting MM when MonkeyFlow is disabled, the MonkeyFlow processes are started, although they shouldn't!

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:14 am
by Ludek

Re: Persistent dockable panel issue with 4.1 (1685)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:13 pm
by flashk
Great, thanks Ludek and gege!