Quick find facility difficult to use

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Quick find facility difficult to use

Post by daved »

Typing an alphanumeric key whilst in the right-hand panel produces some peculiar behaviour. If you enter a group of characters in quick succession MM will move to a matching entry. However, event the slightest pause between key presses causes MM to forget the preceding keys and start again. If this is a "feature" I'd expect the timeout period to be more than the second or so it seems to be.

This feature could really be improved a lot by making the entering of successive printable characters to build up a string to match against and displaying them somewhere - maybe the right of the status bar at the bottom? Don't have a timeout period because it's confusing. Simple punctuation should be included as should simple editing in the form of backspace and clear (ESC?). Maybe an additional feature could be buttons on the button bar to recall the last string and to clear the field.

This applies to the left-hand panel as well but, peculiarly, the playlist window doesn't seem to respond at all.

This excursion into the right-panel led me also to notice that some control keys which are operative there aren't listed in the context menu. So far I've latched on to the fact that ^W and ^S are missing. Ihaven't gotten round to checking the remaining control keys. This also holds true for the left-hand panel and the playlist.
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quick find via keyboard

Post by rusty »

Daved, Thanks for the feedback.

re. the timeout--I agree it should probably be lengthened slightly.

re. your suggested changes to the functionality:
-printing the characters typed and enabling basic punctuation/editing: we're planning something similar to this--an in-view search bar which would accomplish pretty much the same thing.
-eliminating the timeout would cause more usability problems than it solves (note, however, that the searchbar will not have a timeout)

re. the playlist window's missing function-I'll add this to the to do list.
Posts: 8499
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Post by rusty »

fyi: the keyboard timeout has been raised in MM 2.0.2 Beta 2 which is now available in the beta forums.
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