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Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:21 am
by fkuehner

actually i am creating some playlists (Soft, Heavy, Blues etc etc.) with some special songs of my collection. I do this by browsing my songs database and whenever a song should be inserted into this playlist i have to right click it --> send to --> playlist --> choose the target playlist ...

This is Ok when you only have a few songs, but when adding hundreds of songs into different playlists ... it gets nasty...

is there a way to use a shortcut (or several customizable shortcuts for several different playlists) for this function?

best regards


Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:22 pm
by raybeau528
This should be doable via a script ..perhaps you could describe how, ie the user interface, you would like this to work.
For example, I would probably have a function to select the target script(s) and then a right-click method to add the selection to one of the target playlists. Then, instead of the long way of:
right-click send to, Playlist, Parent Playlist, target play list
you would:
right-click send to, Target Playlist1/Target PlayList2/Target Playlist 3 etc.
where it would just be one level of selections (the target playlists)


Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:24 pm
by Teknojnky
there is also a playlist button on the toolbar you can use to add songs to playlists, I think its easier to use than the send to menu.

another alternative is to use a custom mood/quality/tempo/occasion, then you can create custom autoplaylists instead of having static playlists.

Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:57 pm
by fkuehner
raybeau528 wrote:This should be doable via a script ..perhaps you could describe how, ie the user interface, you would like this to work.
i think the fastest way would be to have some keyboard shortcuts. e.g. CTRL-ALT-1 sends the markd sonk to playlist xxxxx, CTRL-ALT-2 to yyyy and CTRL-ALT-3 to zzzz. These shortcuts and targets should/could be custimizable...

Thats my wish ;-)

best regards


Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:49 am
by raybeau528
ok but what method would you use to assign playlist xxxxx to CTRL-ALT-1, etc. ?

Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:25 pm
by fkuehner
raybeau528 wrote:ok but what method would you use to assign playlist xxxxx to CTRL-ALT-1, etc. ?
Hmm... good question....maybe a dialog (script ??) that reads out the configured Playlists and allows to assign user-defined Keyboard shortcuts to the playlists and writes a config-file. This config-file then could be read in by the second script which assigns the sonmgs to the playlists.

I dont know if this is possible, just my wish ;-)

Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:07 pm
by Teknojnky
here is a psuedocode for a possible script implementation (for someone else to attempt to implement)

objective, add selected track(s) to predetermined playlist


check for valid track selection
check for existing playlist name, create new if necessary, save the playlist object
add selected tracks to a new songlist object
add songlist object to selected playlist ---> isdbplaylist.addtracks.songlist

go to tools > options > general > hotkeys > select general execute script name, assign it a hotkey combo

obviously this script would need to have the applicable script.ini entries and the playlist name would have to be hardcoded (unless more script was added to make it configurable/flexible).

scripting info and objects @ ... on_objects

see also the sendto playlist on the toolbar:

Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:42 am
by Guest
Has there been any progress on this subject guys?

We are currently listening to about 2000 albums on shuffle and I would really like to be able to hit ONE key on the keyboard whenever a song plays that I think appropriate for our upcoming kitchen party and send it to our "Kitchen Party Playlist".
I have modified my hotkeys so if a song is playing that rocks my boat I just hit the "5" key and it's rated five star, can we apply the same or similar script and have the currently playing song sent to a pre-determined playlst???



Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:47 am
by buelldebeast

Sorry guys, first time poster and it seems I posted that last comment without being logged in...



Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:32 pm
by nynaevelan
A thought, woudn't Raybeau's Copy2Playlist script and Teckno's suggestion for the hotkey meet your needs?? Of course you woud only be able to do this to one playlist.


Re: Script/Shortcut to insert song into special Playlist

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:48 am
by dejudicibus
There is a very simple solution that MediaMonkey's developers might implement. Currently, to add a song to a playlist we need to press the RMB and then select Send To -> Playlist -> Specific Playlist. The solution is to enable the Shift-RMB action, that is, if you press Shift and click on RMB you get a different context menu that contains ONLY the list of the playlist you have defined. Not either Send To: it is implicit. It is a "Add to Playlist" context menu. One click and you are done. :wink: