Tags not being read properly

This forum is for reporting bugs in MediaMonkey for Windows 4. Note that version 4 is no longer actively maintained as it has been replaced by version 5.

Moderator: Gurus


Tags not being read properly

Post by neokruncher »

I reinstalled the software in order to clear the library after no luck any other way (see previous posts). Now there is a considerable number of files in the "unknown" genre section of the genres tab. If I look at these files with a tagging program (tag and rename) there appears a genre tag (ROCK). Winamp also shows a tag. Furthermore these files are unchanged since before I cleared the library and they were properly organized last time I added them to the library.

This software is really not ready for primetime and I am sorry I purchased it.
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Post by Lowlander »

If you updated the songs in MM you might not have update tags when editing properties in the options > library > Tags & Playlists selected.

When this is selected the tags should get updated and should be read without a problem by MM (I have no problem when moving files between PC's).

What version of Windows are you using and in which language? What is your setting for the ID3v2 encoding? What filetypes are your songs?

I'm sorry that you're dissapointed, but I have not seen the problems you are having. Something is on your system is causing this and that is very unfortunate.

Other post: http://www.songs-db.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2922
Posts: 5419
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 7:00 pm
Location: Czech Republic

Post by jiri »

Neokruncher, these are quite strong words, MediaMonkey works well for a really lot of users. Anyway, I can understand your disappointment in case somethings doesn't work on your machine.

As Lowlander suggested, please write some more details about you machine, hardware used and mainly OS version. Also read this http://www.songs-db.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=69 forum topic, there is a description of how to report bugs, the debug log described there very often helps and so if you can, please generate one and e-mail it to me (you need to login to forum in order to see my e-mail, or send it to our support e-mail).

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