Is there a way to disable all artwork?

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Is there a way to disable all artwork?

Post by jsl »

Hi All,

Is there a way to stop MediaMonkey from automatically looking for artwork in my music collection? I have already disabled the setting where it searches the internet for artwork, but I don't see an option to just leave artwork out of the library altogether.

It's just a pet peeve really - I'm not thrilled with some of the images that end up getting onto my iPhone when I copy over the files, so curious if there is a way to just turn that whole feature off, even for images embedded in the files themselves.

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Re: Is there a way to disable all artwork?

Post by Lowlander »

No, you can't disable embedded Artwork, you'd need to remove them.

However, you can control Artwork when Syncing.
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:12 pm

Re: Is there a way to disable all artwork?

Post by jsl »

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