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Force Spotify Playlist to Use Best Quality Version in MM [#20297]

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:08 am
by richiefinger
Is it possible to force MM to use the highest quality track possible when importing a playlist from Spotify to MM.
I have various versions of a track all tagged with the same artist and title but sometimes MM will populate that Spotify playlist with an mp3 rather than flac.
Any reason for this?
Any way to make it always choose the best quality option?

EDIT: And all tagged with same album name

Re: Force Spotify Playlist to Use Best Quality Version in MM

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:17 am
by Lowlander
Any reason to maintain a low quality MP3 copy when you have a high quality FLAC copy?

Added for evaluation as:

Re: Force Spotify Playlist to Use Best Quality Version in MM [#20297]

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:52 am
by richiefinger
Because amongst the 1m+ tracks in my collection there are discographies, label collections etc that are used for reference purposes more than listening too. Playlists that were made decades ago are just too much hassle to replace individual tracks.
It's easier to leave complete rather than manually replace with higher quality tracks.

Re: Force Spotify Playlist to Use Best Quality Version in MM [#20297]

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:52 pm
by Peke
Hmmm, from what I see as tracks are the same only in different format, my best guess/approach would be to use Auto Organize to same filename/folder structure -> Export those playlists -> Edit them and replace .mp3 with .FLAC and then re-import in MM which would solve playlist issue.

Re: Force Spotify Playlist to Use Best Quality Version in MM [#20297]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:48 am
by richiefinger
Appreciate the tip, but for my use case it's just easier to have multiple versions.
The cost and speed of storage has gone down so much in the last 5-10 years and the size of a lossless flac file has stayed the same.
I have show and broadcast notes embedded with each version of a track that are much easier to manage by having multiple versions.

For years I tried to keep as few versions as possible but you just run out of fields to tag, or looking at a particular field with 30 or 40 entries is just not clean enough.