Patiently waiting

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Patiently waiting

Post by mattlu013 »

Hello. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. I am copying 16000+ songs to my phone which, undoubtedly, is a lot. I have been waiting patiently and it was moving about a song a second for the past hour, but now it is stuck on one song for about 30 minutes. However, the activity bar on the iphone screen has a rotating circle and the MediaMonkey software on my PC shows that it is still working. I would like to get this done today, but don't know if the MediaMonkey is still working and is not updating the progress or if it is stuck. Should I just be patient? I recognize that a song a second will take over 4 hours, but has anyone else experienced this lag time when adding songs to the their phone? Please feel free to share your thoughts, especially users with large libraries that have been in similar situations. Thanks for any thoughts.

Re: Patiently waiting

Post by mattlu013 »

So, I was skeptical and I only really care about my music on my phone, so I set the phone to default and am adding by genre now. Hopefully it helps.

Re: Patiently waiting

Post by mattlu013 »

So, no I have added an entire genre to my phone (supposedly) but nothing is showing up in Apple Music on my phone.
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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Re: Patiently waiting

Post by Lowlander »

Did you get the updated plugin: ... c-plug-in/ It fixes that problem.
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