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MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:26 pm
by MattTown
Hi, quick report that synch of playlists to a USB drive has malfunctioned. For the sake of compactness I have playlists organised in playlist folders. I have two playlists under a parent playlist, the parent has no music content itself. I wanted to sync one of the child playlists to a USB drive but not the other. The sync did work but the process copied across BOTH child playlists, despite the other being explicitly not selected for sync. Fortunately, asking it to delete all playlist content removed the excess content as well as the intended content.
Content sync'd correctly when I elevated the selected Playlist to be at the root of the Playlist node, ie did not send across the content of the other playlist as well.

Re: MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:07 am
by Ludek
Hi, are you saying that if you go to Devices & Services > Sync-list (Library --> Device)
with selection like this: ... 5.png?dl=0
That both PL1 and PL2 are synced even when only the PL2 is selected there?

I am unable to replicate, for me only the PL2 & 'Test parent' are synced (not the PL1) as expected.
Are you using ?

Re: MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:55 am
by MattTown
Correct, selection like that.
Yes, am running 2690, have updated my signature block.
Yes, both are synced despite PL2 (in your scenario) being the only playlist selected.
One wrinkle at my end is that PL1 (in your scenario) was previously synced to the USB drive and then it was removed as the sync source.

I don't understand your mention of syncing the Test Parent as well. Do you mean to tell me that if Test Parent had files in it as well as child playlists then the files in Test Parent would be synced as well? This is not what I expect that the interface would be telling me. If it is just a case of MM replicating the playlist structure so that PL2 had the same context as in the MM Library then that would make sense to me.

Re: MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:20 am
by Peke
I am guessing that you would like to something like this ... ck_Box.htm where intermediate would state not to sync that playlist?
Main problem with this approach would be highly non intuitive behavior and very prone to mistakes. even now with Tri-State (eg. without intermediate) it often happen (based on user reports) that child playlists are auto selected. It is very hard to implement and please all.

Note: I have not found any app on my PC that uses Quad-State checkbox.

Personally based on @Ludek example I have multi level playlists (up to 4-5) and each level that have child playlists do not have any track in them or have criteria contained playlists while selecting child playlists.

Re: MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:25 am
by Ludek
I don't understand your mention of syncing the Test Parent as well. Do you mean to tell me that if Test Parent had files in it as well as child playlists then the files in Test Parent would be synced as well?
Yes, and isn't this your case? i.e. is the Test Parent empty or it includes the same files as PL1 ?
One wrinkle at my end is that PL1 (in your scenario) was previously synced to the USB drive and then it was removed as the sync source.
If the content was already synced then MM will not auto-remove the content until it is configured so, you will need to check the checkbox:
[x] Delete other files and playlists from ...
The click [Apply] and [Sync now] and I guess MM will suggest you to delete the files?

Re: MM5 Sync to USB Drive

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:28 pm
by MattTown
Hi Peke

FOUND THE SOURCE OF MY PROBLEM - the parent playlist did in fact have files in it, contrary to my intent. I must have somehow copied the files in there at some stage.

Sorry for having wasted your time on this, but I had not expected the file content of the parent to be synced if only a child playlist was selected.
I am guessing that you would like to something like this ... ck_Box.htm where intermediate would state not to sync that playlist? Main problem with this approach would be highly non intuitive behavior and very prone to mistakes. even now with Tri-State (eg. without intermediate) it often happen (based on user reports) that child playlists are auto selected. It is very hard to implement and please all.
No, I am happy with the as-implemented tri state check box (not selected | child selected | playlist selected). I was just seeking clarification as to whether the contents of a parent would be selected if a child was selected. No matter.
Yes, and isn't this your case? i.e. is the Test Parent empty or it includes the same files as PL1 ?
In my case the parent playlist (Test Parent in your scenario) was meant to be empty but did in fact contain files.
I have multi level playlists (up to 4-5) and each level that have child playlists do not have any track in them or have criteria contained playlists while selecting child playlists.
Yes that is my intent and will be especially careful going forward that that remains the case. Not sure what you mean by "criteria contained playlists" - did you mean an auto playlist? Can an auto playlist have child playlists?.
If the content was already synced then MM will not auto-remove the content until it is configured so, you will need to check the checkbox: [x] Delete other files and playlists from ... The click [Apply] and [Sync now] and I guess MM will suggest you to delete the files?
Yes I have selected the checkbox "[x] Delete other files and playlists from ..." and yes the MMA app on the phone did ask to confirm deletion of files, but I have found that this has not actually removed all other playlists and content from MMA . I have used MMA's own functionality to delete the other playlists on MMA.

So with my user error identified and a lesson on board about keeping parent playlists free of files, my MM - MMA sync should proceed smoothly.
