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How do I rename supporting files when an MP3 is renamed?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:04 am
by variables
I've got a collection of mp3/cdg files i'd like to organize. When a mp3 is renamed/copied, I'd like the same operation to happen to the accompanying cdg file.

I tried making an addon with the following code:


Code: Select all

    copyFileAsync: function($super, src, dst) {
        $super(src, dst);
        alert(`copy ${src} to ${dst}`);
        // use fileExists and $super to copy the cdg file
I didn't get any errors but I also didn't any alert boxes. So either my addon didn't load or autoOrganize doesn't call any of the filesystem methods.

also tried with no alert shown

Code: Select all

        autoOrganize: function($super, sl, names, isMoving, addToLib, removeEmpty) {
            $super(sl, names, isMoving, addToLib, removeEmpty);

Re: How do I rename supporting files when an MP3 is renamed?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:41 pm
by variables
I've figured out accomplish my goal but it's pretty hacky.


Code: Select all

function btnOkPressed() {
    if (cancellationToken) {
        requestTimeout(function () {
        }, 10);

    var btn = UI.btnOK;
    if (btn.controlClass && !btn.controlClass.disabled && !windowHandled) {
        windowHandled = true;

        var isMoving = UI.moveFiles.controlClass.checked;
        if (isMoving)
            state.mode = 'move';
            state.mode = 'copy';
        app.setValue('dlgAutoOrganize', state);
        var filesOp = UI.filesOp;
        var addToLib = false;
        var removeEmpty = false;
        if (isMoving) {
            removeEmpty = filesOp.controlClass.checked;
        } else {
            addToLib = filesOp.controlClass.checked;

        var sett = window.settings.get();
        sett['Auto-organize'].DeleteEmptiedFolders = filesOp.controlClass.checked;

        // prepare list of tracks to organize and their new names
        var sl = app.utils.createTracklist();
        var names = newStringList();
        tracks.locked(function () {
            newNamesAll.locked(function () {
                var track = undefined;
                for (var i = 0; i < tracks.count; i++) {
                    if (tracks.isChecked(i)) { // track is checked                        
                        track = tracks.getFastObject(i, track);
                        var newPath = newNamesAll.getValue(i);
                        if (track.path != newPath) {

        if (sl.count > 0) {
            // run auto organize (it's done in background)
            app.trackOperation.autoOrganize(sl, names, isMoving, addToLib, removeEmpty);

            sl.locked(function () {
                names.locked(function() {
                    const fileCount = names.count;
                    for (let i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
                        const oldFilePath = sl.getValue(i).path;
                        const newFilePath = names.getValue(i);
                        const oldCdgPath = oldFilePath.replace(/.mp3$/i, '.cdg');
                        const newCdgPath = newFilePath.replace(/.mp3$/i, '.cdg');
                        app.filesystem.fileExistsAsync(oldCdgPath).then((exists) => {
                            if (exists) {
                                if (isMoving) {
                                    app.filesystem.moveFileAsync(oldCdgPath, newCdgPath); 
                                } else {
                                    app.filesystem.copyFileAsync(oldCdgPath, newCdgPath);

        app.settings.addMask2History(UI.cbMasks.controlClass.value, 'OrganizeMasks');

I feel like I should be able to "override" the filesystem methods and app.trackOperation.autoOrganize should call those methods if they don't.

If there is a more elegant way to do this i'd love some suggestions. This makes me feel dirty.

Re: How do I rename supporting files when an MP3 is renamed?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:01 am
by Ludek
I can confirm that the native methods (parts of the app obejct) can't be overriden.

So you will have to "override" this in the JS code part -- which in your example (overriding the btnOKPressed).
The cleaner solution would be for us (MM5 team) to add another method to btnOKPressed to the place where your new code resides for a future version of MM5 and your script.