Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

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Exeter Music Man
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by Exeter Music Man »


I've only joined the forum to say a big thanks for this script - it's saved me a lot of hard work after migrating my entire library from iTunes.

As you can see from the image below, I have a substantial collection :)


I've made a couple of very minor modifications to the code purely to suit my personal library.
The first being that I have some tracks in the format (12") <title> - including brackets, as the unmodified script searches for <space>12 <title> etc, I added code to strip the leading space and number 12 from the search string before the script submits the query.

I use another software package for creating mixes etc and it's unable to get the release date from MM, so another modification I have made is to also write the release date to the comments tag as I don't use this for any other purpose.
Last edited by Exeter Music Man on Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by wxdude »

Glad the script has helped you out.

If you are willing to share the changes you have made I can see about incorporating the change in a future release.
Exeter Music Man
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by Exeter Music Man »

Hi, just in case you've already seen my code mods and wonder why I've deleted them, it's because I've been tinkering around and tidied the mods up quite considerably, so here's my re-modified code:

First off, my code for dealing with titles such as: (12") Blue Monday where we need to remove the leading (12")<space> string before submitting the search query - this requires changes in two Subs: SearchText and SearchButton and the Function CleanSearchString

In SearchText() I changed line 317 which from

Code: Select all

 sTrack = oSongData.title

Code: Select all

sTrack = CleanSearchString(oSongData.title)

The second sub that requires changing is SearchButton(oPnl) changes are as follows:

Lines 1173 & 1174 were changed from

Code: Select all

	sArt = oSongData.ArtistName
	sTrack = oSongData.Title
To this

Code: Select all

	sArt = CleanSearchString(oSongData.ArtistName)
	sTrack = CleanSearchString(oSongData.Title)
For no other reason than to reduce calls to the CleanSearchString function I modified the Select Case block accordingly to this:

Code: Select all

	Select Case engine
		Case 1
			url = "www.allmusic.com/search/all/" & URLEncodeUTF8(arttrack)
		Case 2
			url = "http://www.discogs.com/search?artist=" & URLEncodeUTF8(sArt) & "&track=" & URLEncodeUTF8(sTrack)
		Case 3
			url = "http://www.google.com/search?as_q=" & URLEncodeUTF8(arttrack)' & "&as_eq=lyrics"
		Case 4
			url = "http://www.last.fm/search?q=" & URLEncodeUTF8(arttrack)
		Case 5
			url = "http://www.musicbrainz.org/search?query=" & Chr(34) & URLEncodeUTF8(sTrack) & Chr(34) & "+AND+artist:" & Chr(34) & URLEncodeUTF8(sArt) & Chr(34) & "&type=recording"
		Case 6
			url = "http://www.45cat.com/45_search.php?sq=" & URLEncodeUTF8(arttrack)
		Case Else
			url = "http://www.discogs.com/search?q=" & URLEncodeUTF8(discogs)
	End Select

The changes to the CleanSearchString function was quite dramatic so I've posted the whole function below:

Code: Select all

Function CleanSearchString(Text)
	Dim sTrLen, sTrText

	sTrText = Text
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,")", " ") 'remove parenthesis to avoid search errors (discogs bug)
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"(", " ") 'also clean other unnecessary characters
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"[", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"]", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"@", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"_", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"?", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"-", " ")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,",", "")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,chr(34), "")
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"`", "'") 'added by wxdude, fix accent grave --> apostrophe
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"\B4", "'") 'added by wxdude. fix acute accent --> apostrophe
	sTrText = Replace(sTrText,"  ", " ") 'added by wxdude. set double spaces to single
	If left(sTrText,3) = " 12" Then
		sTrLen =  Len(sTrText) -4
		CleanSearchString = Right(sTrText, sTrLen)
		Exit Function
	End If

	CleanSearchString = sTrText

End Function
One change you may notice in the CleanSearchString function is that I removed line 1547 completely.

Code: Select all

CleanSearchString = Replace(CleanSearchString,".", "  ")
I did this as the search would fail on a track such as H.O.L.L.A.N.D by The Bluebells (B side of I'm Falling), which would be queried as H O L L A N D
Changing the code to replace a period with a null value, this would then be queried as HOLLAND and the search completes successfully, so far I've had no trouble where an artist or title field has a period in them such D.J. - Feat. - R.E.M etc


Here are my mods for writing the original date to the comments tag, this also leaves the original date field and comments tag blank instead of writing 9999 when no results are found. PLEASE NOTE as I only use the year in my date fields I made no changes to the day or month code, although I see no reason why the changes couldn't be expanded to include those fields.

All the changes are made in the sub, ProcessAlbum.

Each of the four lines 1137, 1141, 1147 & 1151 were changed from

Code: Select all

	oSongList.item(i-1).year = newyear
to this

Code: Select all

	If newyear <> 9999 Then oSongList.item(i-1).year = newyear
The following was added at line 1162 between the "End If" and "Next" statements

Code: Select all

	If newyear <> 9999 Then	oSongList.item(i-1).Comment = "Year of release: " & newyear
	If oSongList.item(i-1).Comment <> "Year of release: " & newyear And oSongList.item(i-1).Comment <> "" Then oSongList.item(i-1).Comment = ""

Another point of interest, I'm not sure whether my mods are the cause but when processing a huge batch of tracks I very occasionally got an error which halted the script but without any information as to what caused the error. I've very crudely got around it by adding "On Error Resume Next" on line 76, so far with no obvious negative effects :o
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by Peke »

Is youa plugin support Updates from MMW extensions?
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by wxdude »

Peke wrote:Is youa plugin support Updates from MMW extensions?

Yes it does.
Exeter Music Man
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.1.0 (2014-02-09)

Post by Exeter Music Man »

Been tinkering, and realised this bit isn't really required.

[This change NOT required]
Each of the four lines 1137, 1141, 1147 & 1151

I had originally set the script to write 9999 in the field, but upon using my brain (first time for everything :lol: ) I realised that if I turned it off in the options it would have exactly the same effect as my code change. :oops:

I think I've figured out what's causing my "unknown" error, it appears to be the pause routine that starts at line 572 not being quite long enough, increasing the value from 600 to 800 appears to have cured my issue. I left the script running overnight with 18,000 items in the search list and it completed successfully :)

Code: Select all

		While (XML.readyState < 4) And (t < 800)
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-16)

Post by wxdude »

Latest version 4.2 available for download. See first post for download link or use Tools --> Extensions-->Find Updates.

If you are upgrading from a previous version you may need to restart MM.

Changes include;
- Add option to exclude bracketed text in search
- Add checks for valid JSON, this included a fix to a logic error and increase in wait time for API responses
- Cleaned up the UI a bit more. Buttons/Checkboxes now hidden instead of disabled if not applicable
- Force users to Musicbrainz on August 15th, 2014 due to Discogs requirement for oAuth for the database/search endpoint after that date

According to Discogs from August 15, 2014 and beyond, all users of the database/search endpoints in the API are required to be authorized using oAuth. This script relies exclusively on that endpoint for Discogs searches. There is no easy way to accomplish this on a per user basis using vbscript. If there is anyone, way smarter then me, that knows how this can be done let me know, otherwise development of the script will be for MusicBrainz searches only.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-16)

Post by wxdude »

best laid plans go awry.

MMIP uploaded to website is malformed :oops:. Will re-upload version 4.2 tomorrow.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by wxdude »

Sorry for the mess up. Re-loaded the installation package up on the web and now appears to be working. Updated the version number so that those who tried updating by Tool --> Extensions-->Find Updates and thought the script was updated, can now get a valid package.

http://www3.telus.net/sowiakj/EarliestD ... 0.191.mmip
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by MMFrLife »

I can't get this to install properly. Any tips or tricks?

I install/restart it like page instructions say. Then, check to see if it shows up under "View" or "Options".
I'm not getting anything anywhere. Selecting and playing songs doesn't show anything.

When I look at the files there are 3; an app icon, uninstall.vbs, uninstall.ini. (is this correct?).
I'm using MM.1707 portable. It installs it to Portable > Extensions > EarliestDate > files.

I've fooled around with lots of different combinations:
inside/outside of portable folder, in auto scripts folder, files outside/inside the EarliestDate folder, etc..

Any ideas?
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by wxdude »

MMFrLife wrote: When I look at the files there are 3; an app icon, uninstall.vbs, uninstall.ini. (is this correct?).
I'm using MM.1707 portable. It installs it to Portable > Extensions > EarliestDate > files.
There is one file missing. The most important one "EarliestDate.vbs", and it should be located at "pathtoportable\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\EarliestDate.vbs".

You can open the mmip file using a program like 7-zip and manually extract the file to the correct location, then restart MM to get it to work.

I am not sure if it is an error in the "installation.ini" file but I'll try and figure it out. I am using the "lsf" constant as per the wiki to specify the scripts folder to use. This should put the "EarliestDate.vbs" file in the right place for portable installs but it doesn't seem to.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by MMFrLife »

Ok, that makes a lot more sense. I thought it fishy that the script file was missing.

I extracted it from archive and put it in auto and restarted MM and it showed up under View and Libray > options,
but I can't get it to show anything when I select or play song.

Where is the icon file suppossed to be (moved it to auto) and does it matter if I even have the other files, if so, what location?

I'm trying to write the release dates into a custom field in format: 1978 10 28.
It doesn't have to be able to fill to a custom field if I could just look at something for selection > choose > put into other field like original date and then
I could batch swap with RegExp Find & Rep or something. But I really would like to find that selection panel. ......pop up?

What am I doing wrong?
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by wxdude »

MMFrLife wrote:What am I doing wrong?
I pretty sure you are not doing anything wrong...the script should install a dockable panel that will show results for you. If you do not see an "Earliest Date" panel, go to the View tab and ensure that "Earliest Date" is checked, the panel should appear docked to the top right of MM. Un-dock the panel and expand if necessary to see the panel in full.

The icon is not used for much yet, I have plans for it though.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by MMFrLife »

Well, I don't get it. It shows up checked and in options. I even deleted the files and tried again manually.
It's checked by default but no panel. I'll just wait 'til I upgrade MM or you have an upgrade and see if it just needs a fresh start
in my environment.

Thanks for your help!
Last edited by MMFrLife on Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
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Re: Earliest Release Date v4.2.0 (2014-07-17)

Post by MMFrLife »

Ok, I just clicked on a song and noticed a progress bar in bottom right corner saying something like "Searching Discog for Earliest Date".
So it seems to be there working except the results/selection panel is not visible. :-?
MM user since 2003 (lifetime lic. 2012) "Trying to imagine life without music gives me a headache"
Top 2 scripts: RegExp Find & Replace (e.v.) and Magic Nodes (e.v.) ZvezdanD's scripts site
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