Earliest Release Date v4.5.1 (2018-08-15)

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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0 (2013-01-24)

Post by San23 »

works very well. can you share the python script to find the earliest release date please ? I want to try out echonest's api to combine few things
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0 (2013-01-24)

Post by wxdude »

This one is written in VBScript.

The script can be found inside the MMIP installation package in the 'Auto' folder. You can open the package using 7-Zip or any similar software.

Or, assuming you installed for current user only, the script can be found at C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\EarliestDate.vbs
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0 (2013-01-24)

Post by San23 »

Thank you very much.
I have organized my mp3 content on mediamonkey by exporting this CSV. and it frustrates me when I see dont see the earliest release date since I do some pivoting to do artist - genre combination and earliest release date is very important parameter.
I just looked at the script and thinking about what if it can tweaked to only run in the excel where it takes the song names and artist names from two different columns and writes the earliest release date in the different column. Then I can reimport this again in mediamonkey and saves effort to manually listen to each and every song to update the earliest release date
Guess I need to only call the subroutine function right ? any quick thoughts
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0 (2013-01-24)

Post by wxdude »

I don't see why the script couldn't be modified to work with VBA and Excel. But, why not let the script and MM get the original date for you before you export to CSV?

The script no longer needs to be run based on the currently playing song and updated manually. You can select as many songs as you like and search for the earliest date on the selected songs and update the database automatically. You will need to modify the options though to make that happen as this is not the default on installation.

Go to Tools --> Options --> Library --> Earliest Date

Check - "Search by selected songs".

This will automatically turn on Automatic Updates to the database. Therefore I would highly recommend that you also turn on the option "Automatically update only if preferred date found is earlier".

Exit the options page, select songs you want to search for the earliest release date, and press start. The script will run through all the songs selected, while you are doing other fun things in MM. Once done you can export to CSV and play around with Excel....and no requirement to re-import the original date to MM.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by wxdude »

Updated version with a couple of bug fixes.

Fixed - Script would fail if the URL's passed to the API were malformed.
Fixed - Rate limits for multiple selection search were not respected if no results were found

Link to newest version in the first post.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by Hagar »

A big thank you.

Any idea why MediaMonkey uses "DATE" if you set a auto playlist and specify a date range and MediaMonkey doesn't or can't use "ORIGINAL DATE?"

Still have scrolling issue with the display (there is none as if its docked near bottom, I can't see the results below the boarder) and when docking it to the right screen causes the text to be cut off. Can you make it not snap when you come close to an edge?

Could this be able to automatically do say a number of songs at once?

And lastly the display seems to have the top search cut in half. The current search box intrudes into the top one somewhat. Could be just my display.

Please don't get me wrong. I couldn't come close to doing what you've done. This is very important to me and you've set the bar very high. Thanks so much for doing this.

Dave :D
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by Lowlander »

You need to use the Advanced tab in the Auto-Playlist settings to use Original Date.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by wxdude »

Hagar wrote: Still have scrolling issue with the display (there is none as if its docked near bottom, I can't see the results below the boarder) and when docking it to the right screen causes the text to be cut off. Can you make it not snap when you come close to an edge?
The panels do not have scroll bars but apparently they can appear if the results are displayed in an ActiveX object and using HTML ala MonkeyRok/Lyrics and Comment Viewer etc. I could be wrong but I see no other easy way to get scroll bars. The advantage of using panels is I don't have to worry about skinning.

You should be able to re-size the panel whether docked or not to display what you need. Cannot control at what point the panel snaps to an edge.
Could this be able to automatically do say a number of songs at once?
You can search by selection now. Check the options page and set the option to search by selected song(s).
And lastly the display seems to have the top search cut in half. The current search box intrudes into the top one somewhat. Could be just my display.
No problem on my display, . Can you share a screenshot so I can see the problem?
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by Hagar »

Lowlander wrote:You need to use the Advanced tab in the Auto-Playlist settings to use Original Date.
I tried using the advance setting and I really messed up myself somehow and then had to undo all of autoplaylist I tryied. Must of been the position and value I didn't set right.

but since this uses "DATE", that works.

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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by Hagar »

I have two computers and one has two monitors. So I dock it on the other monitor and that works GREAT.
But on the other one, its kinda tough. If I dock the box as I'll call it, the text is cut off on the right side, docked on the bottom and I can't see all the test, same as on top and left.
Just to not sound like a complainer, this is still great :D :D

So could it be made to word wrap? Because you can only shrink the box so much and you loose text.

As for the display, this was my issue, my bad. It works flawlessly after restarting MM.

And I just want you to know, I spent the last two days having MM play my songs and filling in the most correct date and I am ecstatic about the results. So many had dates that were way off, Some said 2010 and were actually 1967... This little add on just made my day. I have over 7500 songs.
I have autoplaylist for all of 1960 thru 2010 so one for all of 1960's and then 1960,1961,1962 and so on. Now I can auto dj and get songs from an era I want to reminisce about and it works. Enough kudos, I would of paid for this app.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by fizzjob »

Just wanted to share a slight addition to the script, the ability to search 45cat.com, which has a huge repository of data on relatively obscure 7" singles which can come in handy for tagging collections like the "Nuggets" compilations. Just a couple lines.

After line 163, add the following:

Code: Select all

Then, after line 917, add the following:

Code: Select all

Case 6
url = "http://www.45cat.com/45_search.php?sq=" & URLEncodeUTF8(CleanSearchString(arttrack))
Restart MediaMonkey, and you're good to go.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by MPG »

Really, Really, Really like this script! Very, Very impressed!

Would you be able to provide an option to not include the month? I only want the year as I don't really need to know the month for my collection.

One other item for my wishlist. Is it possible to provide a switch from Brainz to Discogs on the GUI, instead of having to go into the properties? Some songs are found in one database and not the other, and switching takes quite a bit of time.

Triumph - Hold On: Music holds the secret, to know it can make you whole.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by wxdude »

MPG wrote: Would you be able to provide an option to not include the month? I only want the year as I don't really need to know the month for my collection.
Go to Tools-->Options-->Library-->Earliest Date and turn off the check-box to Include Release Month/Day (if available).

This will have the script use just the year.

Glad you like it.
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by Bazildon »

Just found this - It's a really great script, a fantastic add-on to MM. Good work!

It does have some issues though, no biggies probably just the way I do my library, but I thought it best to let the developer know...

It has problems finding with artists with "the" in the artist name. I should explain a little more:

I format artists with "the" in their name as "<artist>, the". So, for example, "The Clash" and "The Moody Blues", will become "Clash, The" "Moody Blues, The" in my library. I do this to provide cross-compatibility with the largest possible number of software options on multiple platforms, not all software is as clever as MM.

This is where this marvellous script comes undone a bit. It does the search, but because it 'seems' to use a raw string to search, my funny naming comes a cropper. "The The" is an exception, before you jump on me.

If I may suggest, it may be an idea to do a little extra processing on the string before search. Maybe look to see for the variations with and without "the" if it is found within the string. I realise this could slow down the whole process for some users, so you could possibly add it as a selection box in the options page. "Do search with/without Aartist contains THE" for example.

Just a thought
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Re: Earliest Release Date v3.0.1 (2013-01-29)

Post by wxdude »

You are correct, the script does fail with the artist tags formatted like "Artist, The".

It is an easy fix and will do it as soon as I can.
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