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Re: Export M3U/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.3 (2010-07-13)[MM

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:09 pm
by oddity
ZvezdanD wrote:take a look at the ExportPlaylistsFrom key in the [ExportM3UsForChildNodes] section after you confirm the modification of the playlist name in the Options dialog box? It should has the same playlist name you entered, but if it is not there then we have some another problem here. Do you have installed some another add-on?
If I look at the .ini file after setting the options correctly then the line 'ExportPlaylistsFrom=RecentPodcasts' is there.
However if I go back into the options screen and click OK again (with the "From:" field now blank) and then look at the .ini file again, then the line just reads 'ExportPlaylistsFrom='

The only other extension I have installed is GenreFinder

Re: Export M3U/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.3 (2010-07-13)[MM

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:02 pm
by ZvezdanD
oddity wrote:If I look at the .ini file after setting the options correctly then the line 'ExportPlaylistsFrom=RecentPodcasts' is there.
However if I go back into the options screen and click OK again (with the "From:" field now blank) and then look at the .ini file again, then the line just reads 'ExportPlaylistsFrom='
I am sorry, but I have no idea what is happening with your system. That which you got is completely unexpected behavior. It could help if you send me your database and MediaMonkey.ini file for further analysis, so I could try to reproduce this problem.

Re: Export M3U/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.3 (2010-07-13)[MM

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:12 pm
by ZvezdanD
oddity wrote:"From:" field now blank
This bug was only with the non-skinned version of the program, thanks for helping me to discover it. You could take the new update - v3.4 - 2011-01-17:
* Added: Replace paths/with: dropdown lists with the last 5 entered strings;
* Fixed: automatic export on shutdown if automatic export on every xx minutes is not used;
* Fixed: settings of playlist for automatic export with non-skinned program;
* Fixed: export of .m3u files for nodes which are grandchildren of nodes without tracks;
* Fixed: export of .m3u files for playlists when some of parent playlists has duplicate name on the same node level;
* Fixed: restoring of expanded state of nodes after finished export.

Re: Error on starting MM2.55

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:20 pm
by johnbot
Just wanted to try your script (version 3.4; copied to Scripts\Auto folder). But MM2.55.998 throws an error even before showing the main UI saying:
Object does not support method or property "SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_NP_MainWindow" in line 168
Do you know why? Maybe a MM3 feature only?
Your script is the only Auto-script in a fresh MM install.

Re: Error on starting MM2.55

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:00 am
by ZvezdanD
johnbot wrote:MM2.55.998 throws an error even before showing the main UI
Thanks for the report. There is the new release, v3.4.1 - 2011-03-17
* Fixed: error on start-up (broken in v3.3) [MM2].

This add-on still supports MM2, but I cannot recommend using such old version of the program, especially not now when MM4 is soon to be official. Besides, this add-on has the serious drawback in MM2 when exporting nodes outside of the Playlists branch, which is mentioned in the Limitations section in the first post.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.4 (2011-03-17)[M

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:54 am
by johnbot
Thanks for the quick fix! - Working now.
In fact I recently switched to MM3 but I want to transfer the MM2.5 playlists into the MM3 database which I built anew.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.4 (2011-03-17)[M

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:11 pm
by mcow
I just wanted to say, I was having a problem with some M3Us not being readable on my Nokia tablet. Turned out I needed to encode the playlists with UTF-8 -- and when I looked at the options, that feature was already available! How nice not to have to ask for it.

If I right-click on a playlist, the three M3U options are all "for child nodes," just like a for a directory. But a playlist doesn't have child nodes. It would be better to just let me create an M3U for that playlist, rather than having to select all the tracks. Actually, I'd like that option for folders, too.

If I right-click on a library node with "All" underneath it, but no other nodes, "Export M3Us for Child Nodes" doesn't give a "no child node" error, but it doesn't create an M3U for the All node, either.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.4 (2011-03-17)[M

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:36 am
by ZvezdanD
mcow wrote:If I right-click on a playlist, the three M3U options are all "for child nodes," just like a for a directory. But a playlist doesn't have child nodes. It would be better to just let me create an M3U for that playlist, rather than having to select all the tracks. Actually, I'd like that option for folders, too.
Thanks for the suggestion. There is the new update v3.5 - 2011-04-17:
* Added: Export As .m3u Playlist command to the File menu and the tree's context menu which allows export of the selected node (similar to the Send To \ Export as .m3u playlist option, but more configurable).
mcow wrote:If I right-click on a library node with "All" underneath it, but no other nodes, "Export M3Us for Child Nodes" doesn't give a "no child node" error, but it doesn't create an M3U for the All node, either.
You would get the "no child node" message box only if the selected node has not child nodes (it doesn't matter if it has not grand child nodes) and if you have the "Export selected node too" option turned off. "All" nodes from Location and My Computer branches are excluded from the export by design.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-17)[M

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:16 pm
by Spazz
I'm just copying this over from the other thread.

Thanks. This looks perfect in theory, but it won't replace the playlists on subsequent exports for some reason. I have it set to export on startup/shutdown and every hour but it isn't working after the first export If I manually export a playlist and replace the previous list, everything updates like it should though.

Actually, now that I look at it again, It isn't saving what I want to export for some reason. Whenever I go in I have to reselect the playlists :/

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-17)[M

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:24 am
by ZvezdanD
Spazz wrote:Actually, now that I look at it again, It isn't saving what I want to export for some reason. Whenever I go in I have to reselect the playlists :/
What version of the add-on are you using? Do you use the non-skinned version of the program? There was the report for a very similar bug ( ... 16#p282916), but it is fixed in v3.4.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-17)[M

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:45 am
by Spazz
I'm using the lastest version, but it seemed to be a case of PEBCAK. Using the top level "Playlist" category didn't work, but if I selected a specific playlist with a subgroup, it synced all the playlists just fine. It seems to me that this is the intended way for it to operate and I was just being a little wierd about it.

I got it set up with a playlist being used as a directory and nested playlists as the actual playlists and periodically checked via subsonic on android tonight at work and the playlists seemed to be being rewritten every hour.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-17)[M

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:20 pm
by ZvezdanD
Spazz wrote:Using the top level "Playlist" category didn't work, but if I selected a specific playlist with a subgroup, it synced all the playlists just fine.
Thanks for the report. There is the new release, v3.5.1 - 2011-04-22:
* Fixed: the From field for automatic export when Playlists is specified;
* Fixed: automatic export Every xx minutes without need to restart the program.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-22)[M

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:23 am
by wutzin
FYI, the download link on ZvezdanD's website is currently broken. Here is the correct link: ... 3.5.1.mmip

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-22)[M

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:30 pm
by ZvezdanD
wutzin wrote:FYI, the download link on ZvezdanD's website is currently broken.
Thanks for the report. The link on the download page is updated now.

Re: Export M3Us/Playlists for Child Nodes 3.5 (2011-04-22)[M

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:58 pm
by Dybro
Hi :)
I have just downloaded this script, but I seem to have some problems.

I have all my music stored at "E:\Music" and then divided up in several folders ("AlbumArtist/Album/Title") .
The whole folder is then syncronized to my NAS with the network adress "\\nas\music".

I want to export playlists as .m3u-files and then be able to play them from all my devices. Therefore it need to use the file paths on my NAS. But I can't make it work :(

This is the setup screen: