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Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:35 pm
by Meander

Your idea looks good, as you've already allowed for ten presets. So first phase might be to implement the script 'stepping' to the next (individually customised) mask between announcements - which would be great. A checkbox to enable/disable it would be good too. The random method could follow that if you think it practical.

BTW I have sapi4 (via the L&H TTS 3000 engine), as well as 5, on my machine. The voices for these are more easily obtained and are freely available. Some of the characters aren't too bad even though in a lower bitrate. Can you access those in the script?

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:09 am
by Meander
Just to add.

In pursuit of more natural voices and alternative engines, I came across Festival.

It's written for Unix based systems, but can be run in windows with the aid of Cygwin.

Judging by the Technical Online demo, which can be accessed here... ... oices.html produces very natural character, with additional resources for creating and honing voices too.


Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:01 am
by bailso
I was able to download this addon. I use the ASIO output plugin which seems to stall when the Speak Song title is enabled.

Should the addon be compatible with ASIO and WASAPI (which I have also tried)? I only seem to be having success with Directsound.


Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:12 am
by Andreas Weichert
bailso wrote:I was able to download this addon. I use the ASIO output plugin which seems to stall when the Speak Song title is enabled.

Should the addon be compatible with ASIO and WASAPI (which I have also tried)? I only seem to be having success with Directsound.

What do you mean with stall, what happens.

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:47 pm
by bailso
Thanks for your quick response.

With ASIO and WASAPI I hear the announcement but the track does not play. No such problem with DirectSound.

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:58 pm
by Andreas Weichert
Meander wrote:Andreas,

Your idea looks good, as you've already allowed for ten presets. So first phase might be to implement the script 'stepping' to the next (individually customised) mask between announcements - which would be great. A checkbox to enable/disable it would be good too. The random method could follow that if you think it practical.

BTW I have sapi4 (via the L&H TTS 3000 engine), as well as 5, on my machine. The voices for these are more easily obtained and are freely available. Some of the characters aren't too bad even though in a lower bitrate. Can you access those in the script?
I uploaded a new version.
With it you can edit multiple phrases in one entry. Separate them by "|" in the text.
Text1 | Text 2 | Text 3
Via random genrator one of the three will been taken. You can test it in its settings page too.
Simple press the test button and you will hear one of it.

About other voices I dont know much. My plugin demands all voices via SAPI interface and lists it. It should show all integrated from the windows system.

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:03 pm
by Andreas Weichert
bailso wrote:Thanks for your quick response.

With ASIO and WASAPI I hear the announcement but the track does not play. No such problem with DirectSound.
Make a double-click on a track in the now-playing-list.
You hear the speech but at the end of the speaking the song does not start ?

Please disable "Pause song during speaking" ! What happens then ?

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:52 pm
by Meander
@ Andreas

Just spotted your update and testing it now. The random 'mix' of intros is working well.

For some reason the next track would start (very briefly) and then pause for the intro. But it sorted itself out after unchecking and rechecking the odd setting.

One observation: I had to copy the whole of each mask (plus separators) that I wanted to use into the Multi Test option. Is there a shorthand way of entering the mask references?

Thanks for the addition. :)

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:29 am
by Andreas Weichert
Meander wrote:@ Andreas

Just spotted your update and testing it now. The random 'mix' of intros is working well.

For some reason the next track would start (very briefly) and then pause for the intro. But it sorted itself out after unchecking and rechecking the odd setting.

One observation: I had to copy the whole of each mask (plus separators) that I wanted to use into the Multi Test option. Is there a shorthand way of entering the mask references?

Thanks for the addition. :)
Fine that the random mix pleasures you.

I have connect the song start event from MM with my code. There is no other way.
If I get this event I pause the song (if you have enabled "pause song during speaking") and wait for the end of the speech. Then I disable the pause.
So if the computer resp. MM has not time to process the event instantly the song will be played for a short time.

What do you mean with entering the mask reference? The setting are storend in the MediaMonekey.ini
You can close MM, edit the ini-file and restart MM. Here an example

StartSpeak=$title$ from $artist$ of album $album$ at year $year$
StartSpeak_0_Name=Title with rating
StartSpeak_0_Mask=$rating$ stars for $title$|two|tree|four
StartSpeak_1_Name=Title with artist and album with pauses
StartSpeak_1_Mask=$title$ $P5$ $rating$ stars $P5$ from $artist$ $P5$ of album $album$

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 8:54 am
by proplane64
Does this still work? Getting VBS errors


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:19 am
by superluig164
Do you think you could add some way to change pronunciation of some words, so for example if your program detects "R3hab" it would instead send "Rehab" to the TTS engine so that it pronounces the name correctly? I find that some of my artists don't pronounce correctly with Microsoft's TTS engine, for example it pronounces Mr. Fijiwiji as "Mr. Feejeeweyejeye."

Thank you!

Lower volume instead of pause

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:22 am
by superluig164
Could you also add an option to lower the volume while speaking? I think that would sound really nice, especially when using MediaMonkey to play music out loud.

Thanks again!

Re: New Script: Speak Song Title

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:41 pm
by carkey151
Is there a way to use the field "Original Date (Original Year)" instead of Year, or to add the "Custom 1" field?