MM for Mac - I just switched to Apple

Any ideas about how to improve MediaMonkey for Windows 4? Let us know!

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I would like to see MediaMonkey for other OS than Windows

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Post by Steegy »

Aren't Intel (or even AMD) powered Mac's the future? I suppose it's better to develop things for the future than things from the past/present (like Mac's running on the much less good IBM/Motorola cpu's).
My feeling is that when Intel powered Mac's will be commonly used, solutions to run Windows programs will be numerous.
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Post by Lowlander »

There are rumors from big names in the industry that a next version of MAC OS might run windows software natively. There are also rumors that Apple might discontinue MAC OS development in favor of Windows (or Linux I guess).
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Post by sunspot »

Apple abandoning OS-X isn't terribly likely. Apple has sunk plenty of cash just recently into OS-X development (the conversion from PPC to x86 being just one example), and their sales are robust as a result. With the next version of Windows getting pushed further and further out, it looks as though Apple will have plenty of time to match most of Vista's features - the ones they don't have already - and probably one-up Microsoft yet again.

OS-X also has the distinct advantage of being UNIX based, which makes it easier to port software back and forth between OS-X and Linux compared to, say, porting software from Linux to Windows. At some point I think this is going to become a big deal for Apple, especially if they want to enter the enterprise space, which seems likely.
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Post by rovingcowboy »

Lowlander wrote:There are rumors from big names in the industry that a next version of MAC OS might run windows software natively. There are also rumors that Apple might discontinue MAC OS development in favor of Windows (or Linux I guess).

i can back that up for you lowlander i have also seen that info in lots of newsletters from tech places and they are strong rumors, only the getting rid of mac os is not on the same strength as the other's it is more like they will make mac os and windows os run in a dual boot system.

roving cowboy / keith hall. My skins ... =9&t=16724 for some help check on Monkey's helpful messages at ... 4008#44008 MY SYSTEMS.1.Jukebox WinXp pro sp 3 version 3.5 gigabyte mb. 281 GHz amd athlon x2 240 built by me.) 2.WinXP pro sp3, vers 2.5.5 and vers 3.5 backup storage, shuttle 32a mb,734 MHz amd athlon put together by me.) 3.Dell demension, winxp pro sp3, mm3.5 spare jukebox.) 4.WinXp pro sp3, vers 3.5, dad's computer bought from computer store. )5. Samsung Galaxy A51 5G Android ) 6. amd a8-5600 apu 3.60ghz mm version 4 windows 7 pro bought from computer store.
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Post by Lowlander »

It's just a rumor, the rumor assumed that Apple would focus on being a hardware supplier. Opinions differ widely on what Apple is. The whole idea was that the software side of Apple is facing more and more problems with security like all other software out there. Apples premium is in nicely designed hardware (which also is having issues lately).
The article also took into consideration that Windows is a pretty good OS which serves the needs of most people and has the biggest software base out there. This makes it more functional then Mac OS and a little more functional then Linux. And after all when is the last time an end user used the OS itself (besides for running the software). It's the applications that count and MediaMonkey is a good reason to stay with Windows :wink: .

Anyway they are just rumors, I personally don't think Apple will dump Mac OS in favor of another software.
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Post by Anubis »

youngliars wrote:i'm posting this only to add to the demand.. hopefully every woeful user of itunes will express their wish for some work on a mac version of mm.
OK, by my count we now have less then 10 people who want a Mac version of MM. (Yes I am sure there are others out there...)

Well, here is (unofficially) how you get a MM Mac version...

Find enough people to fund the development of it.

Lets say it takes one developer a year to port. Let's say that developer gets US$100K per year (I wish).

Now all you need is 1000 people willing to pay US$100 each, or some similar multiple...

Ok, ok, I know there are a LOT of assumptions here, but the basic's are still the same. You want something bad enough, somebody has to pay for it... I am sure that if enough serious people want it (and pay for it), the dev's would be willing to work something out. Geez, if they were thinking about getting some VC, I'd be willing to contribute.

Oh btw, to jiri... about your comment about a Linux version being more likely then a Mac version, I actually thought OS X was based on an underlying unix of some sort...., so you might get two kills with the one port...
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Post by rovingcowboy »

just get wine and use it on the mac to run windows then run media monkey its that simple unless wine does not work any more?

roving cowboy / keith hall. My skins ... =9&t=16724 for some help check on Monkey's helpful messages at ... 4008#44008 MY SYSTEMS.1.Jukebox WinXp pro sp 3 version 3.5 gigabyte mb. 281 GHz amd athlon x2 240 built by me.) 2.WinXP pro sp3, vers 2.5.5 and vers 3.5 backup storage, shuttle 32a mb,734 MHz amd athlon put together by me.) 3.Dell demension, winxp pro sp3, mm3.5 spare jukebox.) 4.WinXp pro sp3, vers 3.5, dad's computer bought from computer store. )5. Samsung Galaxy A51 5G Android ) 6. amd a8-5600 apu 3.60ghz mm version 4 windows 7 pro bought from computer store.
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Post by ArgaWarga »

Lowlander wrote:And after all when is the last time an end user used the OS itself (besides for running the software). It's the applications that count and MediaMonkey is a good reason to stay with Windows :wink:
I don't want to be a jerk, but this is pretty flawed logic. User interface is an absolutely critical component of anything technological. People want an UI that's functional and easy to use. Don't think that the UI is important? It's why no one uses Windows based Personal PCs, but Palm Pilots and Blackberrys instead. It's why I use Media Monkey in the first place, its intuitive and well designed.

Apple makes the best UIs of anyone in the business, and people switch to use OSX instead of windows. That's why I am (along with an exceptional deal on a Macbook ;-) ).

In any case, I just wanted to add my desire to have MM on OSX, please!
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Post by Lowlander »

I saw this week that Wine for Mac is called Darwine, you might want to check it out.

I don't see how my logic is flawed. As you yourself said MediaMonkeys design you like, which runs on Windows. Anyway I never said that UI is not important. The main reason I don't either a Mac or Linux is the UI. I don't like it one bit.
And don't forget that Palm recently started selling a Palm with Windows CE instead of Palm OS. Question is if UI is the driving force or the ease of interoperability with Windows PC's. Anyway I think that functionality is the most important factor, second comes the UI. Just take a look at MySpace, it's UI is awful, yet the site is extremely popular.
Anyway the UI is still in control of the designer of the application despite that most software is designed with the same UI as the OS it runs on.

For what its worth

Post by kuck »


For what its worth, I would like to see a macintosh version of mediamonkey, too.

Anyone using a macintosh for 3 days will agree that it is the better OS.
(except the lack of mediamonkey).

Will try Wine Darwine to use Mediamonkey for the moment.


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Post by Lowlander »

I don't agree. :-?

Post by Guest »

I'm with you guys!

I just swithed to MAC and I would simply love a MAC version of MM. I mean, MM already have all these nice IPOD-features so why not go all the way. It sure won't be hard to smack Itunes in the face that's for sure!

/ PG
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Post by drichm »

In over 20 years with PCs vs Mac all I can say is that the Mac is perceived as better since Apple controls both the Hardware and Software, whereas Microsoft controls the software and only 'influences' the hardware, and Linux has basically no control over the hardware.

This gives Apple more leeway to integrate everything. You can see how they work if you look at the iPod / iTunes integration - the same sort of control exists there too. The Mac UI, especially the 'feel', benefits from this high level of integration.

So, if you want a Mac then you want to give Apple the control they need. So why do you want a non-Apple product such as MediaMonkey on the Mac?


P.S. As an aside, if Microsoft tried to offer the sort of intergration Apple does then they would be flooded with anti-trust lawsuits.

what a monopoly is.

Post by mbd »

drichm wrote:P.S. As an aside, if Microsoft tried to offer the sort of intergration Apple does then they would be flooded with anti-trust lawsuits.
If Apple had a majority of market share with their OS and were purposely trying to destroy other competing companies by releasing similar products for free and integrating them into their OS in such a way that they weren't removeable, then yes, maybe they'd be judged a monopoly too. For the moment, you can database and/or listen to music with any number of programs on the mac, and you can uninstall the ones that Apple provide by dragging them to the trash.

And with all that said, add my name to the list of people who'd like to see this software ported to OS X.

MM 3.0 on Mac or Linux

Post by javaboyuk »

Whats the chance we can get MM 3.0 on Linux or MAC OS X as its using SQLite ??

Or even/better Linux??
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