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Post by Lowlander »

You are welcome!

I assume it works, I guess?
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Just for thoughts

Post by Plethora »

:D Hey it's working as far as I can tell!!!

Here is what we were working on

Code: Select all

' Iterate through the list and export all songs
  Progress.MaxValue = list.count
  Dim i, itm
  Dim prevArtist, prevAlbum, j
  for i=0 to list.count-1
    	Set itm = list.Item(i)
    	if prevArtist = itm.ArtistName then
		WS.Cells(i+2,1).Value = ""
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,1).Value = itm.ArtistName
    	end if
    	if prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName then
		WS.Cells(i+2,2).Value = ""
		j = j+1
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,2).Value = itm.AlbumName
   	 end if
    	prevArtist = itm.ArtistName
	prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName
  	Progress.Value = i+1
   	if Progress.Terminate then
	      Exit For
	end if
There might be a way to get rid of the j calculations by not placing "" in cells of the worksheet. I'll have to work with that later, but as of right now it is working on my entire library. Some editing is needed in Excel to make it look pretty but I like Excel for transfering over to my PDA. This way I'll never buy duplicate CD's again :lol: ! With 11,822 MP3's the chances are great!

And if your looking for the whole code!!

Code: Select all

Option Explicit     ' report undefined variables, ...

' function for quoting strings
Function QStr( astr)
  QStr = chr(34) & astr & chr(34)
End Function

Dim list      ' list of songs to be exported
Dim res       ' results of dialogs calls
Dim fullfile  ' fully specified output file name
Dim fso       ' FileSystemObject

' SDB variable is connected to MediaMonkey application object

Sub InitExport( ext, filter, iniDirValue)
  fullfile = ""

  ' Get a list of songs to be exported
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList
  If list.count=0 Then
    Set list = SDB.AllVisibleSongList
  End If

  If list.count=0 Then
    res = SDB.MessageBox( "Select tracks to be exported, please.", mtError, Array(mbOk))
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Open inifile and get last used directory
  Dim iniF
  Set iniF = SDB.IniFile

  ' Create common dialog and ask where to save the file
  Dim dlg
  Set dlg = SDB.CommonDialog
  dlg.Flags=cdlOFNOverwritePrompt + cdlOFNHideReadOnly
  dlg.InitDir = iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", iniDirValue)

  if Not dlg.Ok Then
    Exit Sub   ' if cancel was pressed, exit
  End If

  ' Get the selected filename
  fullfile = dlg.FileName

  ' Connect to the FileSystemObject
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  ' Write selected directory to the ini file
  iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", iniDirValue) = fullfile
End Sub

Sub FinishExport( ok)
  On Error Resume Next

  ' remove the output file if terminated
  if not Ok then
    fso.DeleteFile( fullfile)
  end if

  ' Notify user that it was successful
  if ok then
    res = SDB.MessageBox( "Export was completed successfully.", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))
    res = SDB.MessageBox( "Export was terminated.", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))
  end if
End Sub

Sub ExportXLS
  ' initialize export
  Call InitExport( ".xls", "Excel sheet (*.xls)|*.xls|All files (*.*)|*.*", _
  if fullfile="" then
    Exit Sub
  end if

  if fso.FileExists( fullfile) then
    fso.DeleteFile( fullfile)
  end if

  On Error Resume Next

  ' Connect to Excel
  Dim Excel, WB, WS
  Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.application")

  If Err.Number<>0 then
    MsgBox "Microsoft Excel could not be found, please install it and try again."
    Exit Sub
  End If
  On Error GoTo 0

  ' Create a new workbook and get its worksheet
  Set WB = Excel.WorkBooks.Add
  Set WS = WB.Sheets(1)

  ' Use progress to notify user about the current action
  Dim Progress
  Set Progress = SDB.Progress
  Progress.Text = "Exporting to an Excel file..."

  ' Create a header
  WS.Cells(1,1).Value = "Artist"
  WS.Cells(1,2).Value = "Album"

  WS.Rows("1:1").Font.Bold = True

  ' Iterate through the list and export all songs
  Progress.MaxValue = list.count
  Dim i, itm
  Dim prevArtist, prevAlbum, j
  for i=0 to list.count-1
    	Set itm = list.Item(i)
    	if prevArtist = itm.ArtistName then
		WS.Cells(i+2,1).Value = ""
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,1).Value = itm.ArtistName
    	end if
    	if prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName then
		WS.Cells(i+2,2).Value = ""
		j = j+1
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,2).Value = itm.AlbumName
   	 end if
    	prevArtist = itm.ArtistName
	prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName
  	Progress.Value = i+1
   	if Progress.Terminate then
	      Exit For
	end if

  ' Was it successfull?
  Dim ok
  if Progress.Terminate then
    ok = False
    ok = True
    WB.SaveAs fullfile
  end if

  WB.Close false

  ' hide progress
  Set Progress = Nothing

  FinishExport( ok)
End Sub
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It works

Post by Lowlander »

Tried it and it worked.

Didn't get this problem:
j calculations by not placing "" in cells of the worksheet.
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itm... album artist??

Post by Lowlander »

I'm working on an update and getting close. But I miss the album artist variable. Which one is that?
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Post by Plethora »

:-? Update for what I just did or update for something else? variable is prevArtist & prevAlbum... because your checking the prev artist with new one[itm.*.*Name].

The j calculations are in the code to move the inputs to Excel up.
In other words if you are counting by song then the code puts that many spaces before it puts another artist or album. so the j calculations subtract the spaces.

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Post by Lowlander »

An addition to your code.

The j thing explains some things as I got confused in your code. There is another way to do it so you wouldn't need to delete empty rows.

Something like:
If (itm.ArtistName <> prevArtist) && (itm.Album <> prevAlbum) then
write artist in cell
write album in cell
Else If (itm.ArtistName == prevArtist) && (itm.Album <> prevAlbum) then
write empty artist cell
write album cell
Do nothing (as artist and album are already written by previous track
End if

The only thing I don't get right now is that your code writes artist & album. But I have two artists for one album (actually just artist feat artist) and this one is not written down as an artist in the output. That is confusing me.
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Code and Things

Post by Plethora »

:D Yeah I was thinking there was an easier way to code that section with the j calculations. I don't really know all the commands but it looks like you have a good handle on them.

So I knew you could group comparing functions just did't know how..
<> means anything but. (correct?)
Does && work for numbers and letters or does it not matter?
Is == for text and numbers or does it not matter either?
Is the (Do nothing) code read like that, it just seems too simple.

Does the code read (write artist in cell) and complete the task or are you paraphrasing? If so how does Excel know what cell to put info in? Does Excel auto.. move to next cell on an input?

With you feat. artist issue.... not to be silly but did you move the column bars in excel? The entire artist cell may not be showing because of the album name that's in the next cell. Otherwise... is your feat. artist in the same cell in MM? If so then I guess the export should export the complete MM artist cell.... :-?

hope this makes since....Thnx for your time and patience
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Post by Lowlander »

I was paraphrasing. I'm not familiar myself with Excel so I would need to play with the code to figure that one out.
You'll need to mess around with this:
WS.Cells(i+2-j,1).Value = itm.ArtistName
maybe deleting the -j gets you somewhere. Anyway the code works so that's perfect. No real need to change it.

I exported 2 albums from the same artist. On one album one song has the artist mentioned with a feat.

The output file has only 2 lines The first line mentions the artist & album 1. The second line mentions no artist (as is same artist) & album 2.
If I add a counter to the code it does count 2 artists. So it counts well, but writes wrong.

I actually want to achieve this, and that's why I want to use the album artist.
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More Code

Post by Plethora »

:o I've got this so far...

Code: Select all

' Iterate through the list and export all songs
  Progress.MaxValue = list.count
  Dim i, itm
  Dim prevArtist, prevAlbum, j
  for i=0 to list.count-1
    	Set itm = list.Item(i)
    	if (prevArtist <> itm.ArtistName) && (prevAlbum <> itm.AlbumName) then
		WS.Cells(i+2,1).Value = itm.ArtistName
		WS.Cells(i+2,2).Value = itm.AlbumName
    	else if (prevArtist == itm.ArtistName) && (prevAlbum <> itm.AlbumName) then
		WS.Cells(i+2,1).Value = ""
		WS.Cells(i+2,2).Value = itm.AlbumName
    		end if
	end if
    	prevArtist = itm.ArtistName
	prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName
  	Progress.Value = i+1
   	if Progress.Terminate then
	      Exit For
	end if
Getting an error 1002 at [if (prevArtist <> itm.ArtistName) && (prevAlbum <> itm.AlbumName) then]

Any ideas?
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Post by Lowlander »

Well I would need to check the naming conventions of VBscript. What I'm not sure about are these:

<> means not
== means equal
&& means and
else if is the construction for multiple if statement

Need to check those codes.

Code: Select all

          end if 
   end if 
can probably be replaced with just one end if. At least the double end if needs to be reduced to one as you are only closing one if statement.
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Post by Plethora »

Can you have just

Code: Select all

end if
Even though there is no command for the else?
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Post by Lowlander »

You probably code (probably no errors will appear), but it is bad practice. And remember that the program will run thru that code each time the others don't execute, which will be many times (10-20 times for an average album). So this could lead to longer execution time of the script.

Anyway your script itself would work, except that it is inefficient, as it keeps writing empty rows which are deleted again.
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What about this?

Post by Plethora »

This one doesn't add blank spaces, and still moves the list up.
Tell me what you think

Code: Select all

' Iterate through the list and export all songs
  Progress.MaxValue = list.count
  Dim i, itm
  Dim prevArtist, prevAlbum, j
  for i=0 to list.count-1
    	Set itm = list.Item(i)
	if prevArtist <> itm.ArtistName then
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,1).Value = itm.ArtistName
	end if
	if prevAlbum <> itm.AlbumName then
		WS.Cells(i+2-j,2).Value = itm.AlbumName
	end if
    	prevArtist = itm.ArtistName
	prevAlbum = itm.AlbumName
  	Progress.Value = i+1
   	if Progress.Terminate then
	      Exit For
	end if
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