Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

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Re: Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

Post by rusty »

Could you please explain what possible useful purpose it serves?
To elaborate, it's as Peke and Lowlander explained: if the sort order is changed but not saved:
1) then the only indication that the Playlist order is not in its sort order is that the entries in the # are out of order. this is important to know because otherwise:
- it's unclear that the track order displayed isn't the actual order of tracks in the playlists
- it explains why tracks can't be dragged/dropped to change order of a static playlist
2) it provides an obvious way to revert the display order to the playlist order--by sorting by the # column (there are alternatives such as using F5 or exiting/re-entering the node, but most users aren't aware of this)

That said, we'll look into what can be done, though it may not make it into the initial release.

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Re: Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

Post by rusty »

Stating the above a bit differently, if the Play order ('#') column was removed and a user sorted the Playing list by e.g. Title, then the UI would give the impression that the tracks would play in the order in which they're displayed, but they wouldn't!

I wouldn't want to have play order change when sorting (this would cause too many accidental changes to the playing list), but another possible solution could be:
A) to disable sorting of the Playing list if the # column is hidden


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Re: Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

Post by Rob_S »

Would it not make sense that the "playing list" in the right window should always respond to any sort, move, drag and drop, play next, etc and ALWAYS play tracks in the displayed order?? I think this was and should be the original goal when these changes were made.

If a user wants to sort his playing tracks without affecting the order in which it is played, he can do that by opening the playing node in the main window, and sort at will.

Then, we could maybe have a method to revert the main window to the current order in the "Playing List", and possibly another method to impose the current order from the "playing" node into the "playing list"

If a user wants to permanently or temporarily save a playing list in any particular order, could that not be easily achieved by simply creating another playlist from the current content of either playing list or playing node??
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
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Re: Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

Post by rusty »

IIUC, you're suggesting: B) to disable sorting in the Playing panel, and only allow it in the Playing list?

Two other possibilities:
C) Informing the user via a toast message e.g.
- D&D won't work if the Playing list isn't sorted by play order

D) Allowing D&D to the play position following the track below which it's been dropped, but notifying the user user of the user of the reason for the possibly unexpected results e.g.
- Track(s) queued after <trackname>, but are sorted by <sortfield>!
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Re: Unable to remove '#' column from playlist browser view [#20573]

Post by Rob_S »

IIUC, you're suggesting: B) to disable sorting in the Playing panel, and only allow it in the Playing list?
No, not at all.

If user chooses to sort the "Playing list" (right panel) playback will continue in the newly sorted order. Why not, we might suddenly want to hear the next few in artist order, or in title order.

D&D would immediately work to modify this new sorted order if you decide to insert somebody elses track into the list of Whathis names tracks.

Guiding principle now playing or playing list "ALWAYS" plays in display order, and we have full flexibility to sort or manualy edit or whatever!!!

No toast messages required. Documentation will state that sort orders can be permanently saved as new playlists. If you muck up your sort order in now playing, you merely reload the playlist.
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
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