Track randomly restarts and plays over and over

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Track randomly restarts and plays over and over

Post by fraserp »

Hi Folks
For some time (on various releases) I get a random "fault" where a track in the playlist just restarts and plays over and over. Today this happened after about 3 hours of play. Currently running and playing to speakers using chromecast (I don't have any wired speakers attached).

What happens is, when the track restarts I get the same beep/blip as I do when MM first connects to the speaker. At the end of the track the speaker beeps/blips again and the track replays over and over until I take some action. If I press "Next Track" it goes the next track for a second or two then skips that track and plays the next one. If I go back to the track that repeated itself it will play that track and then move on to the following tracks as if there was no issue. So, I don't think it is a problem with the track itself. It seems more like a WIFI or buffering issue?? Also..... I think (?) i quickly might quickly get the "failure to decode...." error message when it happens but it goes away again, if that is of any help. Next time it happens I will try to take full notice of the message and update this post.

LOL...... I imagine you will ask me to do a debug :) which is fine. The question I have, given that sometimes it takes hours to occur (or not at all), is can you advise when I should start the debug? I imagine the file could be huge if I started it when I start mediamonkey first up. Can this be started once the "track looping" has begun and is that likely to be of any use to you?

Thanks Fraser
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Re: Track randomly restarts and plays over and over

Post by Lowlander »

Please start with updating to the latest MediaMonkey 2024 beta as you're on an old beta release.
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