Playlist Description

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Playlist Description

Post by MikeGahrns »

I have a ton of playlists, and it is really hard for me to keep track of them. I have implemented my own naming scheme where I create top level nodes like Party Songs, Driving Songs, Workout Songs, Ski Songs, etc., and then have a bunch of playlists in each category. It gets unwieldy to have a long description of the playlist in the playlist name, so I keep the playlist names short, but find I often can't remember the specifics of each playlist.

I would love to see a Description field added so that I could add more text describing the playlist to allow me to keep track of them better.

When creating a playlist, optionally allow you to add a description. If you hovered over the playlist name in the media tree, the description text would appear. You could add a right click on the context menu to allow editing of the description. And the description could be written in .M3U comments when the playlist is exported.
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Re: Playlist Description

Post by Peke »

It is something that we are discussing internally ATM but not yet decided how to implement.

I would say we need to leave something for the future versions of MM 5 ;)

Joke aside, is there any other place where you think we can add more descriptions?
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Re: Playlist Description

Post by MikeGahrns »

Offhand I can't.

I initially thought maybe around devices, since in MM4 all the devices showed without their friendly name, but instead things like Samsung SM-G965U11, etc, I sync'd a bunch of music to the devices my family had, and I spent a lot of trial and error guessing which was my phone, my wife's phone, etc. But I just looked at this in MM5, and I see that you can right click on the devices and rename them which should address this issue.
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Re: Playlist Description

Post by Barry4679 »

Peke wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 6:03 pm Joke aside, is teher any other place where you think we can add more descriptions?
I think that a description property would be also useful for items in the "pinned" collection, ie. reason why it was pinned. ... ToDo notes, listening notes etc, or usage steps where it is a location that has been pinned. ... and It would be good if any non-blank description was displayed in the hover tooltip.
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Re: Playlist Description

Post by kamerlexis »

I second what MikeGahrns suggested! I really need the option to add descriptions to my playlists to keep my sanity :P Is there any update on this?
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