Problem importing long tracks

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Problem importing long tracks

Post by tbm72 »

I work a lot with long music files (sometimes an hour or more) and the latest MM5 seems to be very slow at importing them. For example I have a 1 hour long track that I drag onto the Music node to import. Previously a file of this length would import in a matter of seconds but this time it was hanging for several minutes so I assumed it had crashed and forced quit.

I restarted MM5 and tried again several times but I got the same result. Then eventually I saw at the bottom it said: "1 files to be tagged" and I also had the spinning disc at the top so I just left it alone for several minutes and eventually it imported correctly and MM came back to life.

So I don't know if it's just me but it seems to be taking a lot longer than it used to for importing long tracks. All the while it's processing the file it won't play any other tracks and gives the impression that it's crashed (don't know if it's track length or file size that makes it slow but my file was approx 140mb and 1 hour long if you want to test).
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Re: Problem importing long tracks

Post by Lowlander »

Which Build (Help > About) are you experiencing this with and what File Type(s) are affected?
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Re: Problem importing long tracks

Post by tbm72 »

Build and this is with large (140mb>) mp3 files.
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Re: Problem importing long tracks

Post by Lowlander »

Please capture the problem in a debug log (step 4b) and attach the log to a Support Ticket: viewtopic.php?t=86643

You can also upload a sample file to a Cloud Service (like OneDrive) and add the link to the shared file in your Support Ticket.

This will help a developer analyze why this fails on your setup.
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