Sync between two Computers

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Sync between tho PC

Post by Robindbois »

Is there a solution to sync music between 2 pcs? I have one PC which is the master DB and syn donw to one android phone but I have a second PC (surface pro) where I'd like to have the same synced library. I was lookong for something that mirror locally what's in a networks database of something like that but find nothing.

It seems for me a common problems since many people have more than one pc but didn't find any solution where both pc can edit the db and have the music when not connected to the network.

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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Peke »

Main problem with that approach is having two separate sets of same files on two PCs is actually having Duplicated Same Set of Files on Two Locations eg. if we look at two PCs as Two Folders c:\PC1\Music\ and C:\PC2\Music there is no way to tell which one is current and which one is not.

The reason for MMS is:
1. PC3 (MMS on PC NAS, ...) with C:\Music
2. PC1 Ask PC3 search for track Title "I want it all" -> "PC3\Music\I want it all.mp3"
3. PC1 Change Title of Track "PC3\Music\I want it all.mp3" to "I want it all now"
4. PC2 Ask PC3 search for track Title "I want it all" -> "PC3\Music\I want it all.mp3" Title "I want it all now"
5. ....

So if you have Device Sync Profile on PC3 then no matter on which PC you connect your Device it will sync same

As for having files locally in MMW have VirtualCD that cache files locally, but handle them as if you read them on original Network Location.

Finally caching several TB of Media locally is also bad thing, but that is something for the future versions to solve.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Mox »

After reading this whole thread, there still doesn't seem to be any clear answer for what is surely a VERY common scenario, and the one that I have – two PC computers (in my case: a desktop and laptop) with media monkey easily kept in sync, including all the basic daily functions one does when using any media software: adding songs, removing songs, rating songs, assigning songs to custom playlists, etc.

Others have mentioned how this is dropdead easy with iTunes, to which I would add "Windows Media Player too." And with some tweaking of settings, it's possible to do this in Winamp as well.

As with these other programs, a well designed piece of software should not require higher-level computer skills to do such a basic function. With these other programs, I don't have to change drive numbers, I don't have to keep a portable drive big enough to manage my 10,000-plus music files being swapped back-and-forth between computers, set up a shared media server (which only works as a solution if the user always has both devices local) etc., etc. All I need with those others is a synchronization process, whether by cloud or local network.

Surely there is (or could be) some way to make MM do this??

NOTE: A single shared drive on a home network is not the answer, because I (like many others) often use my laptop when I'm nowhere near my home office, so my laptop needs its own solution: its own full instance of MM and my music library.

This is kind of a deal-breaker for me (I'm only learning of this synchronization issue today, after spending the entire weekend getting everything set up to work on my desktop with MM). It's impractical to expect the end-user to not be able to, say, add a song to a playlist on their laptop, but then have to manually remember to do same adjustment to their other computer's MM when they get home from a business trip -- unreasonable when, for every other program in the world, that traveler can easily push a button in a synchronization program like GoodSync or SyncToy to synchronize (or cloud-sync effortlessly via dropbox or OneDrive) to get everything synced up between the 2 devices. There's simply got to be a way to design MM to do to be cross-device syncable.

And I care because I'm absolutely in love with MM in all other respects. But this fatal flaw is a big deal. It would be like loving a woman in all other respects, except the fact that she is homicidal. I still wouldn't date her. :-)
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by jiri »

This is why we started MediaMonkey Server development. While it can be installed on a NAS, it can also work from a desktop PC, which seems to be suitable in your case. I.e., MMS on a desktop, together with MM5 and another MM5 on your laptop. Note that very soon, MMS will be usable over internet (authentication, etc.), so that you'll be able to either stream, or have tracks cached locally.

In case you wouldn't like to install MMS for whatever reason, you could also use MM5 cloud sync -- e.g. to a GDrive.

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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Mox »

Thanks for the fast response, Jiri. Clearly you are a developer: You used 3 acronyms in one reply. ;-) For my fellow nontechies reading this:
  • NAS (yes, I had to look it up) means "network attached storage" which you can get a high level understanding of from a YouTube video I found called "Still confused about NAS? NAS explained in 3 minutes."
  • As for MMS, I can make a wild guess and say that MMS may be the abbreviation for MediaMonkey Standard version? Or could it mean a version of MediaMonkey that is Server-based?? If the latter, is MMS literally a different piece of software than what I downloaded and am using (, standard version)?
  • As for "MM5," I can guess that might refer to a version higher than 4? But I'm just guessing… Wouldn't it be handy if there was some sort of a acronym guide on this forum somewhere!
Based on what I have just learned about NAS, it sounds like it can be set up (for another cost) to be accessed from the web, not just on the local network. If so, that COULD be a workable solution, except it means that I would end up spending, I'm guessing, several hundred dollars in hardware and software so that I could have a cross-Windows-device synchronized way of listening to and managing my music library. Maybe a good solution for someone who already has NAS, but it's hard to justify that cost if I would primarily need NAS so I can listen to music.

What sounds somewhat promising is your last 10 words: "You could also use MM5 cloud sync -- e.g. to a GDrive." Are you suggesting that I have 2 local instances of MediaMonkey software, but both are accessing from one music library sitting on a cloud service's server (G drive, one drive, dropbox, etc.), and thereby keep things synchronized? This could totally work… IF metadata is also stored in the cloud. For example: If while using MM on one device I change a rating of a song, or add that song to one of my playlists, would that information be updated to both devices? If so, then this could be the perfect solution.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by jiri »

Yes, MM5 is the new 5.0 version of MM (currently a beta version) and yes, MMS is server version of MM (currently alpha), which works in cooperation with MM5 installed on a Windows machine. You can check out both here in the MM5 forum: Sorry for the confusion, hopefully it's clearer now.

I think that the cloud sync in MM5 should cover your needs. And, also an installation of MMS on your PC should work fine -- since MMS doesn't require a NAS, it can be installed anywhere.

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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Mox »

Thanks, Jiri. So, to make sure that I understand what you mean by "I think that the cloud sync in MM5 should cover your needs," does this mean I should:
  • install MM5 on both my desktop PC and laptop PC
  • point them both to my cloud music collection, instead of a local collection of my music
  • and then each song file's metadata (ratings, category, etc.) and playlists' data are also stored in the cloud and therefore will be the same on both computers' MM5 after a metadata change on either PC?
A scenario to verify: Let's say I've got MM5 on both computers, both pointing to the same cloud-based music collection. If I play a song on my laptop and add it to a particular custom playlist, and also change its rating from 3 to 4, and then, when I'm back home, if I play the same song on my desktop PC's MM5, it will "know" that the song's rating is now 4, and the custom playlist will now show that song in its list?

Sorry for working hard to be absolutely certain. I don't want to spend a lot of time setting something up based on an assumption that is not correct. Thanks!
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Joe93738 »

I have a desktop with MM on it and recently got a laptop that I'd like to have MM on as well. Is there an easy way to sync libraries between the two computers? I've found several topics on this issue from a year or two ago and the answer was "no," but I didn't see any recent ones and thought I'd ask again.

If this feature doesn't exist (like a cloud sync feature), it would be hugely beneficial to users with more than one computer.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by onegear »

Mox wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:16 pm Thanks, Jiri. So, to make sure that I understand what you mean by "I think that the cloud sync in MM5 should cover your needs," does this mean I should:
  • install MM5 on both my desktop PC and laptop PC
  • point them both to my cloud music collection, instead of a local collection of my music
  • and then each song file's metadata (ratings, category, etc.) and playlists' data are also stored in the cloud and therefore will be the same on both computers' MM5 after a metadata change on either PC?
A scenario to verify: Let's say I've got MM5 on both computers, both pointing to the same cloud-based music collection. If I play a song on my laptop and add it to a particular custom playlist, and also change its rating from 3 to 4, and then, when I'm back home, if I play the same song on my desktop PC's MM5, it will "know" that the song's rating is now 4, and the custom playlist will now show that song in its list?

Sorry for working hard to be absolutely certain. I don't want to spend a lot of time setting something up based on an assumption that is not correct. Thanks!
I take it by the lack of response that the answer to Mox's scenario is no?
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by noname32 »

Joe93738 wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:53 pm I have a desktop with MM on it and recently got a laptop that I'd like to have MM on as well. Is there an easy way to sync libraries between the two computers? I've found several topics on this issue from a year or two ago and the answer was "no," but I didn't see any recent ones and thought I'd ask again.

If this feature doesn't exist (like a cloud sync feature), it would be hugely beneficial to users with more than one computer.

I have similar problem I'm trying to resolve.
Music library on NAS,already organized.
What I want from MM is to access my music,create some playlists,ratings, maybe edit tags and play it.
I'have have 2 computers I'm using to access my music on same network. MM installation on both of them.
My question is what would by the best way to synchronize MM changes I've made between them.
This is what I need to resolve for now.
1. Adding music - re scan music library?
2. Creating or editing playlist? Manually export and import or is there some other way to sync more
changes on the and of the day.
3. Songs ratings? Have no idea.
4. Continue to listen e.g. audio book? I'm not sure if there will be way to share this between those to
comps.Probably only way will be manually open audio book on
other PC at desired time and continue listen.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Lowlander »

1) Folder Monitoring can do this: ... he_Library

2) This is where it gets complicated. Once imported MediaMonkey doesn't update it from the external Playlist file. Shared database may be better: ... nvironment

3) Tags (including Ratings) are saved to the files by default and by default scanning picks up any changes.

4) Bookmarking is done in the database only, thus a shared database would be required.

MediaMonkey 5 (MM5) can work with MediaMonkey Server (MMS) and MMS can be installed on a NAS directly (depending on manufacturer). This may end up working better in your scenario (both are still beta products though).
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Synchronise 2 PC

Post by hulk69 »

Hi All
I have been able to make the DLNA work with no problem with 2 PC, but what I would like to achieve is to sync PC2 on PC1.

Like that if I buy an album and add it to PC1 I can sync PC2 and get it added easily.

Is there a way to do it at the moment?

Last edited by Lowlander on Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by dypsis »

I'd really like to be able to sync MM between computers. Database sync such as Play history would be great.
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Re: Sync two Windows computers

Post by Peke »

this is something that MMS (MediaMonkey Server) should gap, but it is still in early stage and free on github.
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Sync Between 2 PC's (and one MMA)

Post by Schniz2 »


I aplologise if I'm asking something that has already been answered - can only find older posts which don't really explain how to do what i want to do.
I have MMW running on a Desktop and a Laptop. Also have MMA on one phone.

I have got MMA to sync metadata (took me a while!!) but I cant work out how to Sync metadata between PC's. I would like to be able to add/delete items to and from the library on either PC install as well that would keep both libraries updated.

From what i have read, it seems like MMW installation libraries are individual because of the local drives serial number so i dont know if this is possible.
I use "syncthing" to sync photos between PC's - would this work to keep the libraries identical and the metadata updated?

I mostly use the Laptop on my home network anyway - am i better off using DLNA to stream music from Desktop - Laptop and just having one "master" library on my Desktop? Will I have write access to files on the DLNA server? I have never set something like this up so don't really know what i'm talking about ;)

Is is possible to set up the laptop as a second "Portable device" that i could sync to the Desktop?

Otherwise, i was thinking i could use wifi sync between Desktop-MMA, and then Laptop-MMA and this would at least keep the metadata updated? I was hoping there was a less clumsy way to do this?
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