MMW4 continued development delaying MMW5

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MMW4 continued development delaying MMW5

Post by Blackcat12 »

For the life of me, I cannot understand the logic or strategy for continued beta releases and development for MMW4. This version was released over 7 years ago. The entire licensing and revenue model makes no sense as there is no incentive to buy lifetime licenses and there has to be decreased revenue from lower sales of licenses due to the long cycle between releases. The business plan just does not make sense financially or strategically.

This is a fantastic app that I gladly bought my license for years ago, but it is quite frustrating to see continued beta releases for a 7 year old app while v5 continues in public Alpha for over a year, and may see an update once every few months. The sense I get is the that the developers are not able to focus full time on completing the next version and opening the next revenue stream due to the continued development of MMW4. It has been over 2 months since the last Alpha even, yet we have another MMW4 beta.

Case in point, the last official release of MMW4 was at the end of January this year, and now we have a new beta out already. This indicates that the developers are not concentrating on MMW5 Alpha, at least not to the maximum degree possible, as the last update the first week of February.

I love the app and MMW5 is looking good. Just wish we could see some focused development and more a frequent releases. Maybe even reach beta status!
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Re: MMW4 continued development delaying MMW5

Post by Lowlander »

People paid for MediaMonkey 4 and expect bugs to be fixed, this is mostly what is happening with MediaMonkey 4.
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Re: MMW4 continued development delaying MMW5

Post by Peke »

What good wine need except a good year is a time to age and then it will be perfect. Same thing is regarding cheese where you simply can't rush the process and only way to make it good is to do it right.
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Re: MMW4 continued development delaying MMW5

Post by jiri »

I see your point. Note though, that the frequency of releases doesn't actually reflect the amount of development of each version. We work almost exclusively on MM5, it's just that particularly until MM5 is fully finished, we want to support our long-time users and keep MM4 running smoothly. This includes mostly fixing some bugs, either in MM4 or caused by other apps (like Win 10 updates). This results in quite a few MM4 updates, but they usually consist only of few fixes.

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