SQLite database of MM and special collation functionalety

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SQLite database of MM and special collation functionalety

Post by Schmidtze »


I just moved from iTunes to MM some days before. It seems that MM works very well, my library contains about 60.000 files and MM handles it without any problems by now. So I'm very happy with it - except the lacking of special sort fields for artists :wink:

As I'm a developer for myself, I always like to take a look into the database for myself, for example to execute some statistics queries on my data etc. So I was very happy that MM uses an ordinary SQLite database which understands something like this "select artist, count(id) from songs group by artist order by count(id)". BUT: Unfortunately MM uses a special collation functionalety, so managing it with my favorite SQLite managing tool "SQLite Expert" gave errors when sorting and grouping. I asked the developer about it and he now built in an additional option called "auto install generic collations". With this option enabled, it works perfect. When starting the application it still shows an error like "unknown tokenizer: mm SQL Statement..." but after that it can be used without any problems.

I found some messages about this problem, also in this forum, and also in the bug tracker of MM. Maybe SQL Expert is an alternative for you if you want to manage the database of MM on your own.

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Re: SQLite database of MM and special collation functionalet

Post by Barry4679 »

Thanks Schmidtze,

I can confirm that it seems to work well. Also works well when MM is an attached table.

The "auto install generic collations" option is at Tools|Options|Data.
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Re: SQLite database of MM and special collation functionalet

Post by Barry4679 »

One other thing to add. When you open the MM database using SQLite Expert you many get the following error message. This seems to be because MM have not distributed something to customers. As it only affects the one table mentioned in the error message, you can ignore this error message.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/so3lm0qhy7773 ... r.png?dl=0
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