Android is Case Sensitive splitting values

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Case sensitivity - minor bug

Post by meljmartin »

I noticed that grouping on Album Artist is case sensitive. ie "Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds" is separate from "Nick Cave &The Bad Seeds". This is inconsistent with the desktop version.
Last edited by Lowlander on Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Genre listing is case sensitive

Post by rusty »

The two apps should be consistent, but we've decided that the approach used in MMA makes more sense than the approach used in MMW (i.e. we're going to change MMW). See details at:

We're open to comments...


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Re: Genre listing is case sensitive

Post by toyzrme »

I have to say I'm not thrilled with the proposal: being consistent is better than it currently is, but not a real solution.

It strikes me as more of a "computer coder/implementer's" solution than a "user-focused" solution. i.e. it is not about the user playback experience, but rather someone who prefers to fiddle with the bits (i.e. tags). It's kind of like the new rage of paddle shifters on a car: paid thousand$ to get the Sport edition with them because I wanted to compulsively manage the shift, but after a week it got really old. Now they're just a nuisance.

Kind of like why Unix and Linux have failed to take off in the end-user community, vs. the hacker community: yet Apple has the lay person clamoring for their Unix-based products (even at a significant premium!): SIMPLE, CONSISTENT, PREDICTABLE, USER-FOCUSED behavior. As a coder/geek, it offends me, but as a user it THRILLS me. We should NOT expose implementation to the user.

For example, it's bad enough that no one knows how to spell "A cappella" ("2 words, 2 P's, 2 L's") - most people use "a capella" or "a cappella"

BUT, on MMA, add all of the CASE variants, and you get EIGHT genres! It clutters the UI, and it's PITA to add all of my " A CAPPELLA" music to the Now Playing list (oh, wait: that's a NINTH genre...):
a capella
A capella
a Capella
A Capella
a cappella
A cappella
a Cappella
A Cappella

This just doesn't seem right, especially given that MMW would only present TWO genre's.

Now, what about tracks with multiple genre's? With 2 genre's (say, A Cappella and Brit pop), you would get *THIRTY TWO* permutations. Really?

What if one of those was a 3-word Genre - double that to 64 genres?

Want me to list all 64 genres out here? (I know what most people would answer, and your answer to that question should be a clue as to what to do here)

Want to provide an option or tool that lets me tweak minor differences in fields, like case variants of the same spelling? GREAT - let OCD types go nuts *if* they want to.

But don't subject the average person to this trivial difference unless they want it and choose it.

Well, unless you only want to sell to OCD's......
MMW: ~25,000 tracks, MM.DB on 16Gbps PCIe SSD (Samsung 950 Pro) - up-to-date, not Beta
MMA: ~12,000 tracks sync'd to phone - up-to-date, not Beta
PC: Windows 10/64, Skylake quad+HT @4.2GHz, 64GB RAM, 14TB RAID6
Phone: Galaxy S10 (128GB) + 400GB mSD card (Samsung EVO+)
Sync: all tracks rated >=3 sync'd to phone
.........all playlists only use tracks rated >=3
.........thus sync'ing is 99.99% playlist update - no tracks are sync'd, other than new purchases
Playlists: ~59 synced
..........most are auto-playlists
..........use attributes Rating, Last Played, Date recorded, Genre, Genre "contains", Path "contains"
..........many are nested, i.e. "Top AutoPlaylist" includes "Level 2 AutoPL #1" + "Level 2 AutoPL #2" etc.
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Inconsistent Capitalization Causes Multiple Artist Entries

Post by frankz »


Don't know if this is a bug or intended behavior, but it's not this way on MMW so I'm thinking it's not intended.

If differences exist in the capitalization scheme between the Artist field and Album Artist field, MMA will create two entries in Artists/Album Artists view. MMW does not.

For example, I've got a track tagged with "tUnE-yArDs" as Album Artist and "TUne-YArDs" as Artist for some reason. MMW only shows one artist in the Artist / Album Artist list, but MMA shows this one track twice (tUnE-yArDs - 1 album / TUne-YArDs - 1 track). Same thing with TV on the Radio vs TV On The Radio.

It would be nice if MMA recognized that these were the same artist like MMW does.
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Re: Inconsistent Capitalization Causes Multiple Artist Entri

Post by Lowlander »

That's intended. MMA respects case as different values (as Linux based systems do), MMW doesn't (as Windows based systems don't).
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Re: Inconsistent Capitalization Causes Multiple Artist Entri

Post by frankz »

OK, well it looks like I've got some tags to update then :)

Seriously, though, if suggestions are permitted on the issue, I'd suggest that the MM suite perform in a consistent manner across all platforms whenever possible. It makes for a better user experience. Respecting the case is probably the more "correct" way to handle it, but ignoring the case in this instance (when it's clear a distinction is not intended) is much more user-friendly.
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Re: Android is Case Sensitive splitting values

Post by rusty »

fyi, it's on our to do list to fix this in MM5 so that it's consistent with MMA:

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Artist listing case sensitive

Post by AlanH »

MMA shows the same artists as different listings if there are case mismatches, for example it shows "A Flock of Seagulls" seperate to "A Flock Of Seagulls" this can make it difficult to play all the songs by that artist'

I am running the latest version of MMA pro on android 11 but ive noticed this behavour ever since ive used MMA.

i fix the case issues in MM4 but a wireless sync usually wont update the files on my phone. i normaly have to delete the files and resend.

Its not so bad fixing them but the finding them means i have to go through every single artist on my phone and now i have over 8k of songs synced its starting to become a pain.
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Re: Android is Case Sensitive splitting values

Post by AlanH »

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Re: Android is Case Sensitive splitting values

Post by adakwa »

I was just curious: what is the benefit of having either MMA or MMW be case sensitive? I can only think of inconveniences (i.e., same artist shows up split). Thanks.
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Re: Android is Case Sensitive splitting values

Post by rusty »

For example: if I enter ac/dc and then add a track by AC/DC, which set of capitalization should MM use? And if MM showed the same capitalization for all tracks, how would the user know which tracks are incorrectly tagged?

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