Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

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Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by joshb »

I can't come up with a concise-enough description of this bug to fit it all into the Subject line, but here goes:
I create movie files with my Hauppage PVR. I like to include the year of release as part of the file name, examples:
The Unholy Three (1925).mp4
Little Caesar (1931).mp4
711 Ocean Drive (1950).mp4
then when I import these to my MMW library, MMW nicely recognizes the (year) in the file name and puts those 4 digits into the Date field of the properties for that library entry.
The problem is, its broken for years that are 1930 or earlier! The (year) part of the file name does not get interpreted correctly as a Date, and the 4 digits get put into the wrong Properties field (maybe into the Series, I forget where). So when I import any and all movie files with a date before 1930, I have to manually fix up all the Date fields.
This problem has existed in every version of MMW 4, official and beta releases.
I am pretty sure it would affect any media file (audio or video) with a 1930-or-earlier date inside ( ) as part of file name.
Please fix before final MMW 4.1 release!

thanks, Josh
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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by Ludek »

Hi, good catch, is fixed as in build 1689.
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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by joshb »

Thank you. Quickest bug report-repair I have ever experienced!

- Josh
Posts: 27
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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by joshb »

Sorry, the bug isn't fixed in RC1689.
I just imported a movie file named The Younger Generation (1929).mp4.
The Date field in file properties is still blank.
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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by dtsig »

I have just tried this with "dummymovie (1929).mp4" and it showed up correctly. Tested in 1689 so it should work .. BUT 1690 is the newest
Where's the db and ini stored
Reporting Bugs
Where tags are stored

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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by joshb »

Strange - build 1960 is indeed working correctly for me now. Imported files named
dummymovie (1929)
aaa test one 2 (1929)
and both correctly had Properties Date field filled in with 1929.

- Josh
Posts: 4984
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Re: Importing a movie filename with a date earlier than 1930

Post by Ludek »

Yes, the fix also works fine for me with 1690 so it was probably just a test error on your end.
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