Streaming issues

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Streaming issues

Post by Bananahead »

Hello, I am a new user having decided that MMW should be an ideal tool to help me put the little bit of the Apple world that I have in the bin.

And then I found that 4.1 might help with another challenge.

A question. I have a Synology NAS that I stream FLAC files to an Arcam AV amp using either the Arcam client to pull or the Synology app to push. Both methods work really well but with somewhat limited functionality. However, If I use MMW 4.1 RC1 on my Microsoft Surface Pro 2 and tell it to stream to the Arcam then does it first transfer the files to the surface from the NAS and then send them to the Arcam or does it send them directly from the NAS to the Arcam? The reason that I ask (besides the obvious performance issue that this would introduce) is that when the surface goes to sleep it seems to immediately stop the track that is playing.

Thank you.
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Ludek »

Hi, I guess you have x86 version of "Microsoft Surface Pro 2" as you run MMW 4.1 on it?

How you tell MMW to stream from NAS to Synology? Via DLNA ? i.e. Options -> Player -> Choose player -> UPnP/DLNA renderer ?

If yes, then MMW sends http link of the media stream to the DLNA renderer and the renderer then buffers the media stream itself, the problem is though that if MMW is the control point then it keeps the play queue (Now Playing) and if playback of one track finishes then it sends another media link to the Synology, so yes, if surface/MMW control point sleeps then playback on renderer stops on current track end (at the latest).
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Bananahead »

Ludek wrote:Hi, I guess you have x86 version of "Microsoft Surface Pro 2" as you run MMW 4.1 on it? Yes.

How you tell MMW to stream from NAS to Synology? Via DLNA ? i.e. Options -> Player -> Choose player -> UPnP/DLNA renderer ? Yes,

If yes, then MMW sends http link of the media stream to the DLNA renderer and the renderer then buffers the media stream itself, the problem is though that if MMW is the control point then it keeps the play queue (Now Playing) and if playback of one track finishes then it sends another media link to the Synology, so yes, if surface/MMW control point sleeps then playback on renderer stops on current track end (at the latest).
Thanks for your reply. It is as I thought it would be. Maybe there needs to be a setting in MM to tell the system not to sleep if it is playing.

Something else that happens is that it sometimes skips from track to track - just playing the first few seconds of each track.
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Ludek »

Bananahead wrote: Maybe there needs to be a setting in MM to tell the system not to sleep if it is playing.
This has been already implemented in build 1651 as
Don't know why it is not working on you Surface. Do you use build 1651+ ? What is your sleep timeout? Maybe debug log could show more (item 4b here: ... ?f=6&t=341)
Bananahead wrote: Something else that happens is that it sometimes skips from track to track - just playing the first few seconds of each track.
Hard to say why this happens to you, probably debug log could show more (item 4b here: ... ?f=6&t=341)
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Bananahead »

I am using build 1583.

I will have to do some more testing and log recording (this will take at least a week sadly).
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Ludek »

If you are using 1583 then please upgrade to the latest beta build (1685) before generating the logs.
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Bananahead »

Finally an update.

I downloaded build 1686 and still had the same problem with skipping tracks. It started very well and played for about 40 minutes (if I understand the log). But then it started skipping - playing the first second or so of each track until it got to a track that it played. This is a section of the log just before the next good track. I did try playing some of the tracks that were skipped and they are all ok - play normally on desktop and with the Synology app.

Code: Select all

00185011	2613.04565430	[1536] PrepareDockedVideo: Audio	
00185012	2613.05444336	[1536] Player: Updating playlist entry.	
00185013	2613.06347656	[1536] UPnP: OnGetPositionInfoResponse:	
00185014	2613.07177734	[1536] PrepareDockedVideo: End	
00185015	2613.08081055	[1536] Player: Setting current track: Z:\FLAC\The Doors\L.A. Woman [Bonus Tracks]\10. Riders on the Storm.flac	
00185016	2613.08764648	[1536] UPnP: Control Request -> Action: PositionInfoResponse	
00185017	2613.09570313	[1536] Player: Track entry prepared, going to start playback.	
00185018	2613.10620117	[1536] TRemotePlayer.InvokeAction(GetTransportInfo, , )	
00185019	2613.11621094	[1536] Player: Song is not cached, try to play the original file	
00185020	2613.12744141	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI(Z:\FLAC\The Doors\L.A. Woman [Bonus Tracks]\10. Riders on the Storm.flac, 6477)	
00185021	2613.12817383	[1536] UPnP: Get IP Addresses	
00185022	2613.12841797	[1536] GetNetworkAdapters started	
00185023	2613.13452148	[1536] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 19814199, Portion = 0.04, File: Z:\FLAC\Elvis Costello\My Aim Is True\05. Alison.flac	
00185024	2613.17163086	[1536] GetNetworkAdapters finished: Count = 1	
00185025	2613.17285156	[1536] 2308 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 	
00185026	2613.17333984	[1536] UPnP: OnGetTransportInfoResponse: PLAYING	
00185027	2613.17333984	[1536] 2308 DB lock finished, took 573.	
00185028	2613.17358398	[1536] UPnP: Control Request -> Action: TransportInfoResponse	
00185029	2613.17358398	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI: Generated our URI:	
00185030	2613.17358398	[1536] UPnP: Control Request: SetTransportStatus: PLAYING	
00185031	2613.17358398	[1536] TRemotePlayer.InvokeAction(GetPositionInfo, , )	
00185032	2613.17382813	[1536] GetProtocolInfoFromExt URI:	
00185033	2613.17407227	[1536] UPnP: GetProtocolInfo	
00185034	2613.17431641	[1536] PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension: No context !	
00185035	2613.17529297	[1536] PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension: No context !	
00185036	2613.17553711	[1536] GetSimpleDIDLForSong DIDL: <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><item id="1" parentID="0" restricted="1"><dc:title>Riders on the Storm</dc:title><dc:date>2007</dc:date><upnp:artist role="Performer">The Doors</upnp:artist><upnp:artist role="AlbumArtist">The Doors</upnp:artist><upnp:album>L.A. Woman [Bonus Tracks]</upnp:album><upnp:genre>Rock</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:originalTrackNumber>10</upnp:originalTrackNumber><res duration="0:07:08.000" size="44863678" bitrate="837321" sampleFrequency="44100" nrAudioChannels="2" protocolInfo="http-get:*:audio/flac:DLNA.ORG_PN=FLAC;DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01500000000000000000000000000000"></res><upnp:class>object.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class></item></DIDL-Lite>	
00185037	2613.17553711	[1536] TRemotePlayer.InvokeAction(Stop, , )	
00185038	2613.22827148	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI: Waiting for Stop	
00185039	2613.27929688	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI: Waiting for Stop	
00185040	2613.27929688	[1536] TRemotePlayer.InvokeAction(GetTransportInfo, , )	
00185041	2613.29077148	[1536] UPnP: OnGetPositionInfoResponse:	
00185042	2613.29101563	[1536] UPnP: Control Request -> Action: PositionInfoResponse	
00185043	2613.33227539	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI: Waiting for Stop	
00185044	2613.41308594	[1536] UPnP: OnGetTransportInfoResponse: STOPPED	
00185045	2613.47070313	[1536] UPnP: Control Request -> Action: TransportInfoResponse	
00185046	2613.47802734	[1536] TRemotePlayer.PlayURI: Waiting for Stop	
00185047	2613.48730469	[1536] UPnP: Control Request: SetTransportStatus: STOPPED	
00185048	2613.49609375	[1536] TRemotePlayer.SetTransportStatus: Transition from PLAYING -> STOPPED, current track: Riders on the Storm, ID: 6477, URI on client: 	
00185049	2613.50488281	[1536] Player: Next command started	
00185050	2613.51391602	[1536] Player: Setting current track: Z:\FLAC\Dave Edmunds\Chronicles (1968-84)\08. I Knew the Bride.flac	
00185051	2613.52050781	[1536] Player: Next track prepared, going to start playback	
00185052	2613.52929688	[1536] PrepareDockedVideo: Begin	
00185053	2613.53808594	[1536] PrepareDockedVideo: Switching=true IsStartingPlayback=true WasManuallyChanged=false	
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Ludek »

Thank you for the provided log, I see where the problem lies, will be fixed in next build (1687) as
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Re: Streaming issues

Post by Bananahead »

Sorry that it has taken so long to reply (I only get to test every couple of weeks because my streaming system is at a different location).

I can confirm that the skipping issue has gone. Build 1690.

However I now get a problem with some tracks simply shopping. Sometimes they go back to the beginning and sometimes it goes to the next track in the playlist. I will try and find something in the log but it is 350k lines long....
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